Vali Rostami


Update: 2024-12-04

Vali Rostami

Faculty of Law and Political Science / Public Law

Journal Paper

  1. "A Comparative Study of the Conditions in Helping Others with the Assumption of No Obligation and Contract"
    Mehri Salehi, ابراهیم یاقوتی, Vali Rostami
    Scientific Journal of Rescue & Relief, Vol. 14, No 4, pp.298-307, 2020
  2. "The Role of Government in Balancing the Power of Disputing Parties in Online Arbitrations"
    محمدحسن ابوترابی زارچی, Seyednasrollah Ebrahimi, Vali Rostami
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 54, No 2, pp.1155-1179, 2024
  3. "Legal Requirements of the Budget in the Stage of Preparation and Regulation based on the General Policies of the Stat"
    Vali Rostami, مصطفی حضوری, Reza Tajarlou, Mohammad Sardoueinasab
    danesh---, Vol. 13, No 1, pp.123-152, 2024
  4. "Public-Law Basis and Mechanisms for Tax Decentralization in Non Centralized States"
    Vali Rostami, Bahrami Mahdi
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 54, No 1, pp.429-449, 2024
  5. "Pathology of the decision-making system of Islamic councils in the light of the principle of transparency"
    فاطمه شمیری , Vali Rostami, Bizhan Abbasi
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 5, No 17, pp.13-36, 2024
  6. "Identification and Prioritization of Environmental Damage in Legal System of Iran With Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach"
    محمد شاه محمدی, Vali Rostami
    Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 14, No 28, pp.97-112, 2024
  7. "The Supreme Audit Court’s Scope of Discretion in the Legal System of Islamic Republic of Iran"
    محسن ابوالحسنی, Mohammad Javad Rezaei Zadeh Baravati, Vali Rostami
    danesh---, Vol. 12, No 41, pp.97-126, 2023
  8. "Supervision of the complaints Board (law on tenders) on administrative contracts, pathology of structure and competence"
    میثم ابوطالبی نجف آبادی, Vali Rostami, Faramarz Atryan
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 11, No 36, pp.30-50, 2023
  9. "Criteria for Regulating Prerequisites of Applying Competition Rules in Digital Platforms: Pathology of Traditional Criteria and Providing New Solutions"
    Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei Elyaderani, Vali Rostami, محمدصادق فراهانی
    journal of ligal study, Vol. 15, No 3, pp.338-381, 2023
  10. "Taxation in Iran's legal system in the light of Martyr Dr. Beheshti's thought"
    محمد صادق داریوند, علی رضا الیکایی آهاری, Vali Rostami
    JOURNAL OF TAX RESEARCH, Vol. 59, No 3, pp.129-149, 2023
  11. "The Structural Pathology of Exclusive Supervisory Authorities in the Administrative-Contract Law of Iran"
    میثم ابوطالبی نجف آبادی, Vali Rostami, فرامرز عطریان
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 53, No 3, pp.1291-1275, 2023
  12. "Basic Principles of internet regulation"
    خدیجه اکرمی, هدی غفاری, Vali Rostami
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 5, No 16, pp.89-110, 2023
  13. "Position of the Standard of fair and Equitable Treatment in International Investments Based on Arbitration"
    اسلام افضلی, Vali Rostami
    energy law studies, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.19-36, 2023
  14. "Competition Law on Digital Platforms; The Need to Revise Traditional Regulations"
    Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei Elyaderani, Vali Rostami, محمدصادق فراهانی
    Public Law Research, Vol. 25, No 79, pp.7-40, 2023
  15. "The Legal Pathology of Credit Institutions in Iran’s Monetary and Banking System"
    حامد کاویانی, محمدرضا ویژه , Vali Rostami
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 53, No 2, pp.737-768, 2023
  16. "Taxation in Light of the Comparative Jurisprudence of Islamic Denominations"
    Vali Rostami, Ayyub Shafei Pour, مهران آب شیرینی
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 53, No 1, pp.307-327, 2023
  17. "A Comparative study of The Rights of Taxpayers in Iran and America"
    سیدجابر حسنی, Vali Rostami
    Comparative Studies on Islamic Countries Law, Vol. 1, No 3, 2023
  18. "International Obligations of the Government in the Protection of Cross-Border Waters"
    ارسلان درجی, Vali Rostami, سید محمد مهدی غمامی
    energy law studies, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.315-332, 2023
  19. "Investigating the effect of law components in preventing financial corruption of employees"
    Mahdi Taheri, Vali Rostami, الهه مرندی
    Research studies of protection and security knowledge, Vol. 17, No 4, pp.95-130, 2023
  20. "Study legal gaps in the field of official document in Iran and its moral consequences"
    کامیار شیبت زاده, بهشید ارفع نیا, Vali Rostami
    ethics in science & technology, Vol. 17, No 3, pp.1-6, 2023
  21. "Legislative policy of Iran Customs Law and its damages"
    Vali Rostami, Ebrahim Naghdi badi
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 10, No 32, 2022
  22. "Optimal Institution for Operational Supervision of Government Development Projects in Light of Economic Analysis of Law and Legal Requirements"
    Mohammad hossein Sadeghi, Vali Rostami
    journal of program and development research, Vol. 3, No 11, 2022
  23. "Legal Challenges of Government Oversight of the Unorganized Money Market in Iran"
    Vali Rostami, اسماعیل ناصری مجرد
    Iranian Political Sociology, Vol. 5, No 8, pp.234-250, 2022
  24. "An approach to the concept and nature of Taxes approved by local councils"
    Vali Rostami, Sayyed Mohammad Mahdi Ghamami, Amir Hosein Aslezaeim
    the gudiciary law journal, Vol. 86, No 119, pp.1-22, 2022
  25. "Feasibility study of Legal Supervision of Specialized boards of the Court of Administrative Justice over Administrative Decisions with Comparative Study in French and England Law"
    Mohammad Javad Rezaei Zadeh Baravati, Vali Rostami, مجتبی مطهری
    Iranian Political Sociology, Vol. 5, No 8, pp.1670-1688, 2022
  26. "Legal Analysis of Performance Based Budgeting in Iran"
    Mohammad Ghamari, Vali Rostami, Khirollah Parvin
    Iranian Political Sociology, Vol. 5, No 7, pp.1563-1584, 2022
  27. "Censorship in the Media: Freedom Versus Responsibility with Emphasis on the United States Legal System"
    خدیجه اکرمی, هدی غفاری, Vali Rostami
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.1340-1319, 2022
  28. "Challenges of virtual businesses in Iran from the perspective of competition law with an emphasis on economic efficiency"
    Morteza Abbasi, Vali Rostami, مهدی شعبان نیا منصور, Eisa Amini
    Quarterly Journal of Advertisting and sale management, Vol. 3, No 2, pp.263-267, 2022
  29. "Fundamentals of Legislative Transparency from the Qur'an, Narrations and Good Governance Perspective"
    حیدرعلی نوروزپور, Khirollah Parvin, Vali Rostami, ایرج حسینی صدرآبادی
    Quranic Studies, Vol. 13, No 50, pp.175-190, 2022
  30. "Public rights and transfer of state enterprises; Critical reflections regarding the procedure of prosecutor"
    Vali Rostami, Hamed Nikoo, محمد مهدی همتی فقیه
    Journal of votes, Vol. 11, No 38, pp.15-29, 2022
  31. "The Pathology of The Electoral Finance System of The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Elections"
    محمدتقی اکبری, سیدمحمد هاشمی, Vali Rostami
    danesh---, Vol. 11, No 35, pp.93-118, 2022
  32. "An Analytical Exploration of the Legal Dimensions Governing the Financial Measures of the Government (Sovereignty) in Times of Crisis with Emphasis on the Covid-19 Pandemic"
    Vali Rostami, Hamid Gahvahchian
    revue de la Recherche Juridique, Vol. 2, No 25, pp.93-118, 2022
  33. "Legitimate Expectation in Administrative Law"
    Vali Rostami, Sayyed Mohammad Mahdi Ghamami, Hamidreza Salimi
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 52, No 1, pp.231-248, 2022
  34. "An Introduction to the Judiciary's Empowerment of Citizens' Participation in the Light of the Revival of Public Rights"
    حسین عبدی , Vali Rostami
    Ethical Research, Vol. 12, No 47, pp.183-204, 2022
  35. "The ideal model for guaranteeing the implementation of taxation in the light of the principles of good governance."
    Reyhaneh Ameri, سیدجواد میرقاسمی, Vali Rostami
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 3, No 9, pp.89-110, 2022
  36. "Optimal model of governance in the light of an independent judiciary"
    حسین عبدی, Vali Rostami
    Ethical Research, Vol. 12, pp.207-220, 2022
  37. "The social security system for the elderly and its challenges in implementation"
    Vali Rostami, Seyed majid Mosavian ahmadabadi
    Scientific journal of research in humanities and social studies, Vol. 2, No 19, pp.31-44, 2022
  38. "Corona emergency in Egypt and Lebanon"
    Vali Rostami, وحید حیدری
    human rights, Vol. 6, No 2, pp.205-225, 2022
  39. "The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway"
    Elham Amiri, محمد هاشمی, Vali Rostami, Bizhan Abbasi
    Public Law Research, Vol. 23, No 73, pp.9-40, 2022
  40. "Administrative health at customs , Legal requirements for the realization of the International program of integrative in Iran customs"
    مسعود یاسائی, Vali Rostami
    gournal encyclopedia of economic law, Vol. 28, No 20, pp.139-113, 2022
  41. "Energy Regulatory Entity and its Legal Capacities in the Non-Oil Economy (Case Study of the Ministry of Energy Quasi-Regulatory Entity: Iranian Electricity Market Regulatory Board)"
    Mahsa Olyaee, Vali Rostami
    energy law studies, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.377-397, 2022
  42. "Investigating the role of accountability on sustainable development Emphasizing on the parliamentary accountability of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    حیدرعلی نوروزپور, Khirollah Parvin, Vali Rostami, ایرج حسینی صدر آبادی
    Iranian Social Development Studies, Vol. 13, No 4, 2021
  43. "Legal review of optimal (favorable) tax in the light of resistive economy"
    Morteza Saraii, Vali Rostami, Mohamad Rasekh, یدالله دادگر
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 9, No 28, pp.95-114, 2021
  44. "Comparative Study of Oversight on the Implementation of Municipal Budgets in Iran and France"
    Vali Rostami, Masumeh Ameri
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 3, No 8, pp.39-64, 2021
  45. "A Study of Ethical Principles in Judicial Review in Iranian and British Law"
    hashem poranfard, Sayyed Mohammad Mahdi Ghamami, Vali Rostami
    Ethical Research, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.89-104, 2021
  46. "Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Constitutional Guarantees: Analyzing Constitutional Complaint in France and England"
    محمد حسن کبگانی, Vali Rostami
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 51, No 2, pp.483-503, 2021
  47. "Mechanism if Supervision on State-Owned Companies:a Comparative Study in Iranian & French Law"
    Mazyar Ghasemi Godarzi, Mahmoud Kazemi, Vali Rostami
    comparative Law Jiurnal, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.25-58, 2021
  48. "Evolution of the Principle of Lawfulness of the Court in International Human Rights Law: From Competence to Establish to Fair Trail"
    امیر مقامی, Vali Rostami
    International Law Journal, Vol. 38, No 64, pp.73-96, 2021
  49. "Constitiution Bacic Principles of Criminal Procedure: Analisis of Contradictions in the Code of Criminal Procedure in 1392 with the Constitiution"
    Vali Rostami, Sina Rostami, محمد حسن کبگانی
    the gudiciary law journal, Vol. 84, No 112, pp.135-155, 2021
  50. "Analysis of Iran s Tax Law Enforcement Guarantees and Comparing the UK"
    Reyhaneh Ameri, سیدجواد میرقاسمی, Vali Rostami, کارن روحانی
    JOURNAL OF TAX RESEARCH, Vol. 28, No 48, 2021
  51. "A Fair Moral Assessment of Arbitration before Judicial Quasi-Judicial Processes in the Iranian Legal System"
    Jamshid Abbas Zadeh, Bizhan Abbasi, Vali Rostami, Ebrahim Mosazadeh
    Ethical Research, Vol. 11, No 2, 2021
  52. "Local Regulatory Requirements"
    Vali Rostami, Seid mojtaba Hosseinipoor ardakani
    danesh---, Vol. 9, No 30, 2021
  53. "Analysis of the Challenges Related to the Labor Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to Create, Maintain, and Develop Job Opportunities (A Focus Group Study in Small Businesses)"
    Seyed Abolghasem Mira, Ali Heidari, Vali Rostami, Naser Shambayati
    Journal Of Business Management, Vol. 12, No 4, 2021
  54. "A Legal Analysis regarding the Concept of Revolutionary Institutions in the Legal System of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Vali Rostami, حسین محمدی احمدآبادی, Milad Ghotbi
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.414-395, 2021
  55. "Legal requirements of the resistive economy in the legeslative phase with the principle of 44 the constitution"
    Kiamars Jahangir, Vali Rostami, بهاءالدین تاری
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 50, No 4, 2021
  56. "Critical Analysis of Human Rights Challenges with Freedom of Information in E-government"
    jaza Valadbeigi, Vali Rostami, Manochehr Tavasoly Naeini
    Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences, Vol. 20, No 15, pp.446-429, 2021
  57. "A Survey on the Legislative Support of the Legal System in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America to Working Women in terms of Equal Wages and Social Security"
    Hamed Aali, Vali Rostami, Mohammad javad Shafaghi
    TAMIN-e-EJTEMAIE, Vol. 15, No 4, pp.93-112, 2021
  58. "Study of the legal nature of the relationship between government and public properties in Imamieh jurisprudence"
    Vali Rostami, Mohamad sadegh Farahani
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 50, No 3, 2020
  59. "Feasibility study of integration of pension funds in the Iranian social security system"
    Aliakbar Masomi, سید محمد هاشمی, Vali Rostami
    Public Law Research, Vol. 22, No 68, 2020
  60. "A Comparative Study of Legal Vacancies in the Filed of Official Document in Iran and Turkey"
    کامیار شیبت زاده, بهشید ارفع نیا, Vali Rostami
    Political and international researches Quarterly, Vol. 11, No 43, pp.241-264, 2020
  61. "Campaign Expenditures and Free Speech"
    محمدتقی اکبری, سید محمد هاشمی, Vali Rostami
    Excellence of rights, Vol. 6, No 2, pp.142-167, 2020
  62. "General rules of contracts and anti-tax avoidance and evasion rules"
    Reza Cheraghi, Mansour Amini, Vali Rostami
    JOURNAL OF TAX RESEARCH, Vol. 27, No 45, pp.119-153, 2020
  63. "Critique and Pathology of Iran Economic Regulatory Law System From Competition Law Perespective"
    Morteza Asgharnia, Vali Rostami
    Quarterly Journai of Industrial Economics Researches, Vol. 4, No 11, pp.61-76, 2020
  64. "Comprehensive system of social security for the elderly and its challenges in implementation"
    Vali Rostami, Seyed majid Mosavian ahmadabadi
    Scientific Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies, Vol. 6, No 19, pp.31-44, 2020
  65. "Tax Law and Legal Nature of corporate Shares"
    Reza Cheraghi, Mansour Amini, Vali Rostami
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 49, No 4, pp.599-616, 2020
  66. "Government Downsizing: Effective Strategy for Legal-Administrative De loccalisation of Tehran"
    Vali Rostami, Mohamad Zereshgi
    Public Law Research, Vol. 21, No 65, pp.41-72, 2020
  67. "A Comparative Study of Legal Support for Women in the Pension System in American and Iranian Law"
    Elham Amiri, سید محمد هاشمی, Vali Rostami, Bizhan Abbasi
    International Legal Research Scientific, Vol. 12, No 46, pp.23-46, 2020
  68. "Interaction between governments and the United Nations in expanding human rights requirements"
    jaza Valadbeigi, Vali Rostami, Manochehr Tavasoly Naeini
    International Legal Research Scientific, Vol. 12, No 46, pp.213-237, 2020
  69. "Legal Examination of the Terms of Taxation in Direct Tax Act"
    Morteza Saraee, Vali Rostami, Mohamad Rasekh, یدالله دادگر
    JOURNAL OF TAX RESEARCH, Vol. 27, No 42, pp.127-143, 2019
  70. "Legislative justice from the perspective of Imamieh jurisprudence and Iranian Law"
    Ali Baqeri, علیرضا حسنی , Vali Rostami
    Journal of Islamic Jurisprudencd and law, Vol. 12, No 23, pp.9-33, 2019
  71. "Imployment indepedent of judiciary power"
    Vali Rostami, Hosein Babaei
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 49, No 2, pp.333-350, 2019
  72. "Financial indepedent of public organizations"
    Fatemeh Afshari, Vali Rostami
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, Vol. 20, No 1, pp.97-124, 2019
  73. "Tax coruption"
    Vali Rostami, Azizallah Norozi
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 6, No 18, pp.55-79, 2019
  74. "Public domain and other prprerties"
    Vali Rostami, مسعود معصومی
    andishehaye hoghuq omomi, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.57-73, 2019
  75. "Public funds"
    Vali Rostami, Hamidreza Ghavehchian
    Journal of Finance and Law Khowledge, Vol. 2, No 6, pp.5-26, 2019
  76. "prportional principe in discrinicial power in the England administrative law"
    Vali Rostami, Hamidreza Salimi
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 48, No 4, pp.735-746, 2019
  77. "whistleblower protection in Iran & USA"
    Vali Rostami, Mohamadreza Ghasemi
    comprative law Researches, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.639-659, 2019
  78. "Comparative study of whistleblower protection in Iran & USA"
    Vali Rostami, Mohamadreza Ghasemi
    comprative law Researches, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.639-659, 2019
  79. "Protection of family"
    Hamed Abdollahi, Vali Rostami
    andishehaye hoghuq omomi, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.39-54, 2019
  80. "I O C Incomes"
    Zahra Goodarzi, Vali Rostami
    energy law studies, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.517-545, 2019
  81. "Goverment and public domain"
    Vali Rostami, Mohamadsadegh Farahani
    danesh---, Vol. 8, No 21, pp.75-99, 2018
  82. "Tax Law in Economic Zone in Iran"
    Arian Petoft, Vali Rostami
    Public Law Research, Vol. 20, No 60, 2018
  83. "Supervision on Leader Institutions in Iran"
    Vali Rostami, Milad Ghotbi
    Journal of Islamic rule, Vol. 23, No 2, 2018
  84. "Analysis of the Performance of the Court of Auditors in the Settlement Funding Report of the year of 1395 SH"
    Vali Rostami, Mohamadhosein sadeghi
    Quarterly Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 15, No 29, pp.29-62, 2018
  85. "Good Economic Regulation in the Competition Law"
    Vali Rostami, Morteza Asgharnia
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 5, No 15, 2018
  86. "Right to Helthy Environment"
    Mohsen Imami Gheshlagh, سیدمحمد هاشمی , محسن محبی, Vali Rostami
    Ethical Research, Vol. 8, No 3, 2018
  87. "Planing Sistem and Constitution Law"
    Vali Rostami, [] []
    danesh---, Vol. 7, No 19, 2018
  88. "Distributive Justice ,Efficiency and Final of labour Contract"
    Vali Rostami, Hosein Ghobadi
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 48, No 1, 2018
  89. "Establishment of Energy Regulator in Iran"
    Vali Rostami, لیلی مقیمی
    energy law studies, Vol. 3, No 2, 2018
  90. "Tax Litigation in the 251th Article of Direct Taxs Act"
    Vali Rostami, Mahmood Por rezaei
    JOURNAL OF TAX RESEARCH, Vol. 84, No 33, 2018
  91. "Principle of the Public Service Tehory"
    Vali Rostami, Reza Rashidi, Reza Rashidi
    Journal of Islamic rule, Vol. 22, No 4, 2018
  92. "oil and gaz contract"
    Amir Eslamieh, Vali Rostami, Seyed Majid Ghafari
    journal of expoduction oil and gas, Vol. ندارد, No 148, pp.19-26, 2017
  93. "Tax and Democrasy"
    Vali Rostami, Fatemeh Mohamadi, Masood Ranjbar
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 47, No 3, pp.601-620, 2017
  94. "A Study of the Theory of National Unity and Islamic Cohesion with a Look at the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Seyed ehsan Raeisalsadati, Khirollah Parvin, Vali Rostami
    Quarterly Journal of Public Justice Law, Vol. 1, No 2, pp.107-125, 2017
  95. "Labour Law and Goverment"
    Vali Rostami, Faezeh Akhondi
    Public Law Revew, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.37-62, 2017
  96. "Competition and Tax"
    Vali Rostami, Ayam Kamarkhani
    Journal of Planning and Budget, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.157-171, 2017
  97. "Tax and Investment"
    Vali Rostami, Vaheed Asadzadeh
    JOURNAL OF TAX RESEARCH, Vol. 81, No 33, pp.149-156, 2017
  98. "Regulation and Insurance"
    Mohamadreza Taghvaei, Vali Rostami, Sayed Mohamad Hashemi
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 3, No 11, pp.77-97, 2017
  99. "Principle of Proportionality"
    Vali Rostami, Hamidreza Salimi
    Law and Religion Rewew, Vol. 1, No 2, pp.57-73, 2017
  100. "Arbitration and Public Contract"
    Vali Rostami, Mohamad Sadegh Mojibi Far
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 2, No 8, pp.59-81, 2017
  101. "Right to Hearing"
    Davood Kazemi, Vali Rostami
    Comparative law Researches, Vol. 20, No 3, pp.164-199, 2016
  102. "war budjet law"
    Vali Rostami, Hamid Gahvahchian
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 46, No 3, pp.625-603, 2016
  103. "constitutional law"
    Vali Rostami, Elaheh Marandi
    danesh---, Vol. 5, No 14, pp.1-24, 2016
  104. "Municipel in Iran &Ferench"
    Vali Rostami, Masomeh Ameri
    comprative law Researches, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.141-161, 2016
  105. "oil and gaz"
    Vali Rostami, Eslam Afzali
    oil and gaz, Vol. 3, No 33, 2016
  106. "insurance regulatory"
    Vali Rostami, Said Mohamad Khatami, Mohamadreza Taghvaei
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 2, No 7, 2016
  107. "Freedom of Association"
    Vali Rostami, Hamidreza Salimi
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, Vol. 16, No 42, pp.5-21, 2016
  108. "local goverment"
    Vali Rostami, Jafar Satvati
    حقوق اساسی, Vol. 12, No 24, pp.131-172, 2016
  109. "Taxpayers rights in Iran"
    Mohamad Ali Karbasion, Vali Rostami
    Journal of Islamic jurisprudence, Vol. 48, No 2, pp.249-281, 2016
  110. "competition law"
    Vali Rostami, Ayam Kamarkhani
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 45, No 3, 2015
  111. "administrative claim"
    Vali Rostami, Samira Asgharilalamy
    Low & Poletics, Vol. 17, No 48, 2015
  112. "Adjustment"
    Vali Rostami
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 45, No 2, 2015
  113. "Oil Tax"
    Vali Rostami, Ahmad Ranjbar
    energy law studies, Vol. 1, No 1, 2015
  114. "The Status of President's Special Deputies in the Legal System in Iran"
    Vali Rostami, Atena Tanavar
    andishehaye hoghuq omomi, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.65-82, 2015
  115. "retierment law"
    Vali Rostami, Ahmad Farahani, Reza Khani
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 1, No 4, 2015
  116. "president"
    Vali Rostami, Atena Tanavar
    andishehaye hoghuq omomi, Vol. 4, No 1, 2015
  117. "budjet"
    Vali Rostami, Mohamad Barzegar Khosravi
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, Vol. 15, No 40, 2015
  118. "Civil Liability of Road Cumbents for Car Accidents"
    Vali Rostami, Hossein Sadeghi, Hamidreza Soleimanian
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 44, No 3, 2014
  119. "Institutions Leader"
    Vali Rostami, Milad Ghotbi
    danesh---, Vol. 3, No 9, 2014
  120. "Administrative Justice"
    Vali Rostami, Ahmad Ranjbar
    danesh---, Vol. 3, No 7, 2014
  121. "administrative procedure"
    Vali Rostami, احمد خسروی
    Quarterly Journal of Judicial Law Views, Vol. 18, No 64, 2014
  122. "investment"
    Vali Rostami, مرتضی اصغرنیا, Sokhan Nik Bin
    Legal thought - Journal of Qom Tehran University campus, Vol. 2, No 2, 2014
  123. "Dissension of Jurisdiction in the Compettition Concil and the Communication Regulary Commission"
    Vali Rostami, مرتضی اصغرنیا
    Quarterly Journal of Verdict Analyses, Vol. 2, 2014
  124. "ambodezman"
    Vali Rostami, Fazlollah Jokar
    Low & Poletics, Vol. 14, No 37, pp.23-40, 2014
  125. "tax"
    Vali Rostami, Ahmad Ketabi
    comprative law Researches, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.19-35, 2014
  126. "local council"
    Vali Rostami, [] []
    danesh---, Vol. 2, No 5, 2013
  127. "favorite administrative prosidural for iran"
    Vali Rostami, Ahmad Khosravi
    comprative law Researches, Vol. 17, No 2, pp.95-116, 2013
  128. "employ"
    Vali Rostami
    اندیشه های حقوق اداری, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.81-98, 2013
  129. "pre"
    Vali Rostami, Ahmad Ranjbar
    Name-Mofid, Vol. 9, No 97, pp.3-24, 2013
  130. "publlc institu"
    Vali Rostami, Seysd Mojtaba Hoseini
    فصلنامه بررسی های حقوق عمومی, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.27-50, 2013
  131. "public finance in islam"
    Vali Rostami
    Islamic Jurisprudence Research, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.29-52, 2013
  132. "tax law"
    Vali Rostami, Ahmad Ketabi
    gournal encyclopedia of economic law, Vol. 19, No 2, pp.21-43, 2013
  133. "The dominance of tax laws in the passage of time"
    Vali Rostami, Salman Izadi
    Low & Poletics, Vol. 14, No 36, pp.57-81, 2012
  134. "khjkgjhgjhg"
    Vali Rostami
    a, Vol. 3, pp.272-237, 2009

Conference Paper

  1. "Ethical and religious foundations of creating a duty to help a person at risk in the absence of a contract"
    Mehri Salehi, ابراهیم یاقوتی, Vali Rostami
    The 15th International Conference on Law and Judicial Sciences papers, 2023
  2. "A reflection on the principle of respect for private property in Iran's legal system"
    Vali Rostami, سیدجابر حسنی
    The 5th International Conference on Humanities, Law, Social Studies and Psychology papers, 2023
  3. "The legal nature of the resolution of contractual disputes of Ministry of Petroleum and the FIDIC Dispute Resolution Board"
    Vali Rostami, Sadegh Abdi, محمدحسین سالاریان
    The legal nature of the resolution of contractual disputes of Ministry of Petroleum and the FIDIC Dispute Resolution Board, 2019
  4. "Organizational Independence of Tax Dispute Resolution Boards (Comparative Study – Common Law, France and Iran)"
    Reza Cheraghi, Mansour Amini, Vali Rostami
    12th Conference on Tax and Fiscal Policies in Iran, 2019
  5. "Pathology of criminal policy in the Iranian tax legislative system"
    Vali Rostami, Farzaneh Majdabadi Farahani, Reyhaneh Ameri
    11th Conference on Tax and Fiscal Policies in Iran, 2018
  6. "Gurdian Constitution Openion about Labur Law"
    Vali Rostami, Faezeh Akhoondi, Samira Ghasemi
    Second International Conference on Society and Cultural, 2017
  7. "Ratification of Budget by Parliament"
    Vali Rostami, Mohammadhoseyn Sadeghi, Mohammad sadegh Farahani
    Ferst National Conference in the Human Studies, 2017
  8. "Analysis of the duties and powers of the governors of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the perspective of good governance"
    Masomeh Asodeh, محمد جلالی, Vali Rostami
    Second International Conference on Management, Accounting and Economics, 2016
  9. "fair traiel in the registrate law"
    Vali Rostami
    registrate law, 2015
  10. "tax"
    Vali Rostami, Maghsod Ebadi
    conference on tax, 2014
  11. "tax avision"
    Vali Rostami, Salman Ezadi
    8th conference of tax, 2014
  12. "yaxpayer rights"
    Vali Rostami, مهدی بهرامی
    public law, 2014
  13. "public finance"
    Vali Rostami
    public law, 2012