پروفایل اساتید - دانشکده حقوق و علوم سیاسی lawpol
Journal Paper
"Customary International Law in the Practice of English Courts"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
سید محسن حکمتی مقدم
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 54,
No 4,
"The Role of International Arbitral Tribunals in the Development of International Environmental Law"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 54,
No 2,
"Examining the balance between energy security and public health in international investment law with an emphasis on nuclear energy"
Feyzy Hojjat,
Seyed Bagher Mir Abbasi,
Ahmad Momenirad,
Hamid Elohi Nazari
Sustainable Energy Systems,
Vol. 3,
No 3,
"A Study on Women's Rights in Armed Conflicts based on the International Committee of the Red cross"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Maryam Abidinia
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 54,
No 1,
"Rethinking the Legal Effects of the ICJ Advisory Opinions in the Light of 2021 ITLOS Judgment in the Mauritius/Maldives Case"
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Hamid Elohi Nazari
International Law Journal,
Vol. 39,
No 68,
"Analysis of Political Legitimacy in Government Constitutionalism Theory"
مصطفی عزیزی قرامحمدی,
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Khirollah Parvin
Iranian Political Sociology,
Vol. 5,
No 10,
"Alternative Remittance System Standards of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
صالح امیری,
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Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 52,
No 3,
"The Manifestation of Postmodern Ideas in the UN charter"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
میثم اصغرزاده کانی
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 51,
No 3,
"the Hierarchy of Commitment of States under the UN Character with Emphasis on Chapter VII Resolutions"
Sara Famoori,
Hamid Elohi Nazari
andishehaye hoghuq omomi,
Vol. 10,
No 1,
"Improving Human Place in Consular Protection Institution in the Light of Developments in International Human Rights in the Light of No. 16 Advisory Opinion of Inter American Court for Human Rights"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Majid Kouraki nejad gharaei,
آیدا آقاجانی رونقی
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 50,
No 2,
"Tools of political control in the legal system of the islamic republic of iran and its impact on geographical justice in the country"
Khirollah Parvin,
Firoz Aslani,
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
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Quarterly of New Attitudes in Human Geography,
Vol. 12,
No 2,
"Study of Appeal Facility in International Investment Arbitration"
[] [],
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
محمدرضا شکیب
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 49,
No 4,
"Impact of human rights requirements on safe pregnancy and childbirth"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Maryam Abidinia
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 49,
No 2,
"a critical look at the draft articles on the responsibility of international organizations"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Aghil Mohamadi
journal of ligal study,
Vol. 9,
No 4,
"international responsibility of terrorism financing government"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Amir Zavar Galali
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 47,
No 3,
"resolving conflicts in dealing with claims arising from nuclear activities"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Mehrdad Amirshahkarami
Private Law Studies Review,
Vol. 47,
No 3,
"foundations anti - IS IS coalition actions in Iraq based on the law of armed conflict"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Amir Familzavar
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 47,
No 1,
"internal and international legal necessities to reform some provisions of the civil code regarding the nationality of women"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Majid Korakinezhad Qaraei
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 46,
No 2,
"treaties providing rights for third states with an overview of article 36 of the viena convention on the law of treaties"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
International Law Journal,
Vol. سال سی و سوم,
No 54,
"Analysis of the good faith in international law in the light of the case law"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Agil Mohamadi
International Law Journal,
Vol. 32,
No 53,
"Intervention in the case law of International court of Justice"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 45,
No 4,
"systemic relations of article 51 un charter"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies,
Vol. 45,
No 2,
"reserved domain in the awards of later national court of justice"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
Low & Poletics,
Vol. سال شانزدهم,
No 43,
"temporary performance of treaties"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Behnam Pourkarim
andishehaye hoghuq omomi,
Vol. سال سوم، بهار و تابستان 1393,
"The Position of General Principles of law in the case law of the International Court of Justice"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
Private Law Studies Review,
Vol. 43,
No 4,
"The spiritual impact of humanitarian activities on the international justice system"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
Civil Law,
Vol. 42,
No 1,
Conference Paper
"International judicial decisions in international environmental law"
neda saede,
Hamid Elohi Nazari
6th national congress of data Analysis in humanities,
"Interpretation of the condition of high moral character of judges as stated in article 2 of the statute of the international court of justice"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
Qom University National Legal Ethics Conference,
"The rights of prisoners of war in international instruments (with emphasis on the Third Geneva Convention 1949)"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
میثم پیرزاده
Second National Conference on faq and Culture Law,
"Human rights in the structural link between the Statute of the International Court of Justice and the Charter of the United Nations"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
Fourth International Conference on Law and Political Science,
"An Analysis of the Twenty-Third Session of the United Nations Working Group on the Name of the Persian Gulf from the Perspective of Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
Persian Gulf National Conference,
"Legal investigation of the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists in the light of international anti-terrorism documents"
Hamid Elohi Nazari,
Behnam Mobseri
The Second International Congress of 17,000 Martyrs of Assassination,
"place of primary humanitaraan conasiderations in armed conflicts law considering rendered judgments"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
protecting the rights of chemical victims,
"The process of humanization of international law and the principle of satisfaction of the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice"
Hamid Elohi Nazari
The role of the International Court of Justice in the continuation and development of international law,