Mohammad Javad Javid


Update: 2025-01-31

Mohammad Javad Javid

Faculty of Law and Political Science / Public Law

Journal Paper

  1. "Analysis and interpretation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's votes at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)"
    Madineh Asadi, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Journal of Research in Sport Management and Marketing, Vol. 5, No 2, 2024
  2. "The role of governments in investigating crimes committed in outer space"
    SAEIIDE FIROUZFAR, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Society, Development and Commercial Law Review, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.22-34, 2023
  3. "Law or Love: Contemporary Family from Postmodern Perspectives With Deference to Islamic Viewpoints"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Iranian Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.18-28, 2023
  4. "“Human Rights And World Religions (View Of Judaism)”"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, fatemeh nadalizadeh, Ashrafolsadat i Seyednejad Kouhestani, Mahnaz Farajpour, Fatemeh Ahmadi
    Journal of Positive School Psychology, Vol. 6, No 8, pp.1-12, 2022
  5. "Current Debates on Human Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi, Vol. 1, No 2, 2020
  6. "The Impact of Force Majeure and Economic Sanctions on Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Financing (EPCF) Contracts - An Examination of Contractual Liabilities"
    Esmat Shahmoradi, Seyed Mohammad Tabatabaei Nejad, Mohammad Javad Javid, Maryam Shahmoradi
    Oil, Gas & Energy Law (OGEL), Vol. ISSN 1875-418X, 2019
  7. "Citizenship Rights of Iranian Minorities2"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Islamic Perspective Journal, Vol. 15, No 15, pp.91-123, 2016
  8. "Risk Management in LNG Shipping Arrangements"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Oil, Gas & Energy Law (OGEL), Vol. 2016, No 4, pp.2-19, 2016
  9. "The Theory of Substantial Motion in Translation: Hermeneutical Pluralism Challenged"
    Esmat Shahmoradi, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Islamic Perspective Journal, Vol. 13, No 13, pp.67-116, 2015
  10. "Substantial Motion in Translation Hermeneutical Pluralism Challenged"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Islamic Perspective Journal, Vol. 13, No 13, 2015
  11. "“In Pursuit of Meaning: A few words on relativism”"
    عصمت شاهمرادی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Islamic Perspective Journal, Vol. Vol. 11 45-63, 2014
  12. "US Universal laws a barrier to humain right"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    iranreview, Vol. 2, No 11, 2011
  13. "The Effect of The Family on The Occurrence and Prevention of Crime"
    دینا حکاک, اصغر عربیان, Mohammad Javad Javid, ابراهیم یاقوتی
    Comparative Criminal Jurisprudence (JCCJ), Vol. 4, No 4, pp.3-13, 2025
  14. "An Introduction to the Concepts of Law and State in Epicureanism"
    Navid Sheidaei ashtiani, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 54, No 2, 2024
  15. "Supervision of private financial institutions"
    رؤى رزاق عبد, Mohammad Javad Javid, سید محمد سعید طاهری موسوی
    lark, Vol. 16, No 3, pp.1141-1122, 2024
  16. "Feasibility of Criminal and Legal Prosecution of Government Officials in Violation of Citizens' Right to Health"
    محمدسعید حسینی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    legal Civilization, Vol. 7, No 19, pp.97-120, 2024
  17. "Marriage Annulment and Women's Social Autonomy: Analyzing Islamic Fiqh Perspectives"
    Omid Noroozi, فرشته ابراهیم آبادی, Mohammad Javad Javid, طاهره فرمنش
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 26, No 103, 2024
  18. "The conflict between the positions and decisions of the Supreme Council of Science, Research and Technology and the Steering Committee of Iran from a political and legal point of view."
    علیرضا بردران, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Journal of Social-Political Studies of Iran's Culture and History, Vol. 2, No 4, 2024
  19. "The effect of menopause on woman rights and responsibilities"
    نفیسه کریمی یزدی, ابراهیم یاقوتی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Quarterly Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Jurisprudence, Vol. 4, No 13, pp.1-24, 2024
  20. "Discrimination against women in Iran's administrative and political laws according to the constitution"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, امید نوروزی, طاهره فرمنش
    Journal of Law and Political Studies, Vol. 3, No 4, 2023
  21. "A Comparative Study of the Principle of Government Accountability in the Thoughts of Shaheed Sadr and Ayatollah Khamenei"
    Jamal Rahimian, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 53, No 3, pp.1159-1189, 2023
  22. "The Role of Women in Achieving the Right to Peace in Afghanistan"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, قدسیه فروتن
    Public Law Research, Vol. 25, No 80, pp.95-132, 2023
  23. "Good governance in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran According to the role of the head of state (Velayati-e faqih)"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    DroitEtEntreprise, Vol. 31, No 23, 2023
  24. "Iranian jurisprudence regarding the prevention of violations related to patent infringement"
    عبدالرضا وزوایی, فرزانه سریر, مهشید سادات طبایی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Crime Prevention Studies Quarterly, Vol. 18, No 66, pp.221-240, 2023
  25. "Kant's perpetual peace as the basis of human rights in international law"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, پریسا جلیلی
    Journal of legal studies, Vol. 1, No 30, 2022
  26. "The Impact of Government Intervention in Pension Funds for the Purpose of Achieving Social Justice"
    راحله سادات حسینی, Mohammad Javad Javid, سید محمد حسینی, بابک درویشی
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 52, No 3, 2022
  27. "Legal-economic and social analysis of the condition for new inventions"
    عبدالرضا وزوایی, فرزانه سریر, مهشید سادات طبایی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Iranian Political Sociology, Vol. 5, No 7, pp.122-147, 2022
  28. "The Effect of Women's Physical Condition on Their Rights"
    نفیسه کریمی یزدی, ابراهیم یاقوتی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Iranian Journal of Medical Law, Vol. 1 ویژه نامه تحولات حقوقی, No 16, pp.3-13, 2022
  29. "The Relativity of the Political Regime as a Method of Governance: The Legal Status of the Presidential and Parliamentary Systems in the Iranian Constitution Law"
    علی عباس حیاتی, Mohammad Javad Javid, هاشم احمدی گودینی
    The "Quarterly of Legal Encyclopedias", Vol. 5, No 15, 2022
  30. "The Twin Revolutions: Legal Sociology of Religion and Science in Iran and France"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences, Vol. 22, No 6, pp.369-392, 2022
  31. "The Relationship between Civil Disobedience and the Rule of Law in a Religious Government"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, نصیرالله حسنلو
    Public Law Research, Vol. 24, No 75, pp.117-148, 2022
  32. "From the legitimacy of power to limitation of sovereignty; A pattern based on natural laws"
    Yasser Mokarrami ghartavol, Mohammad Javad Javid, فاطمه موحدی پاشا بیگ
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 14, No 59, 2022
  33. "Relativistic theory of Citizenship Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Risalat Al-huquq Journal, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.313-323, 2022
  34. "The Effect of Menstruation on Women's Criminal Rights in Iran"
    نفیسه کریمی یزدی, ابراهیم یاقوتی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Comparative Criminal Jurisprudence (JCCJ), Vol. 2, No 2, 2022
  35. "Good Governance in the Ethical Thoughts of Plato and Farabi"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, فریبا سنجری مقدم, حمیدرضا سنجری مقدم, علیرضا بشیر بنائم
    Bioethics and Health Law Journal, Vol. 11, No 36, pp.1-12, 2022
  36. "Lack of proper realization of the control of government actions as a kind of social existence"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, زین العابدین یزدان پناه
    the gudiciary law journal, Vol. 85, No 116, 2022
  37. "Legal Analysis of Cultural Policy making Structure from Public Law Principles Point of View"
    محمد جلالی, Ladan Heydari, سید رضا صالحی امیری, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Journal of Culture-Communication Studies, Vol. 22, No 54, pp.99-118, 2021
  38. "Legal Analysis and Evaluation of Guaranteeing Citizenship Rights by Filtering"
    وجیهه محسنی, سیدمحمد هاشمی, Mohammad Javad Javid, Bizhan Abbasi
    Quarterly Journal of Judicial Law Views, Vol. 26, No 94, 2021
  39. "The Legal Effects of Cultural Diversity as Human Rights and Citizenship Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 51, No 2, 2021
  40. "Women's claims and Right to Social Security with emphasis on the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    راحله سادات حسینی, Mohammad Javad Javid, Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, بابک درویشی
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 23, No 91, 2021
  41. "Legal Sociology of the Iranian Identity In Critique of Physical Identity and Nominal Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences, Vol. 20, No 11, pp.99-123, 2021
  42. "Water Stakeholders and Institution Analysis for Sustainability of Agricultural Water Resources (Case Study Zayandehrud Catchment Area)"
    Jamshid Eghbali, Khalil Kalantari, Ali Asadi, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Iran Soil and Water Reasearch, Vol. 51, No 9, 2020
  43. "Legal Guarantees of Citizenship Education within the Framework of the Iranian Legal System"
    عیسی اردلان, ابراهیم یاقوتی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Bioethics and Health Law Journal, Vol. 10, No 1, pp.159-172, 2020
  44. "Content Analysis the Century of Water Legislation in Iran"
    Jamshid Eghbali, Khalil Kalantari, Ali Asadi, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Journal Of Water And Irrigation Management(Journal Of Agriculture), Vol. 10, No 1, 2020
  45. "Plato in Farabi's Office: Search for the Roots of Medical Law in Two Ideal Societies"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Fariba Sanjari Moghadam
    Iranian Journal of Medical Law, Vol. 14, No 53, pp.7-35, 2020
  46. "The pathology of population policy legitimization and presentation of desirable indicators"
    محمدمهدی غمامی, Mary Mohajery, Mohammad Javad Javid, محمود حکمت نیا
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 22, No 86, pp.31-58, 2019
  47. "Invariable and Variable Principles of “Alavi Governance” in Imam Khomeini’s Executive Model"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Ali Baqeri
    Matin, Vol. 21, No 84, pp.1-19, 2019
  48. "Critical Analytical Analysis of Theoretical Foundations of Legal Positivism"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, M Mehdi Khosrawi
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 46, No 3, 2019
  49. "Textual Approach in Legal Interpretation: with Emphasis on Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Sajjad Afshar
    Public Law Research, Vol. 20, No 61, pp.41-63, 2019
  50. "Philosophy of the Revolution of Al Hussein and Human Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, خالدکاظم عوده
    University of Thi-Qar Journal, Vol. 14, No 1, 2019
  51. "Political Role of Citizens in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran and the Views Related to It"
    Ladan Heydari, محمد جلالی, رضا صالحی امیری, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Iranian Journal of Medical Law, Vol. 12, No 46, 2018
  52. "Legal Analysis of the Right of Access to Information by Realizing Citizenship Rights with an Emphasis on the Iranian Legal System"
    Mohseniwajiheh, Seyed Mohammad Hashemi, Mohammad Javad Javid, Bizhan Abbasi
    Public Law Research, Vol. 21, No 62, 2018
  53. "Textualist Approach in Legal Interpretation: with Emphasis on Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Sajjad Afshar
    Public Law Research, Vol. 12, No 14, 2018
  54. "Critical Analytical Analysis of Theoretical Foundations of Legal Positivism and Its Effects on Legal Justice"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Mohammad M Khosrawi
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 49, No 3, 2018
  55. "A Comparison between Codes of Conducts-Ethics of Multinational Companies In International Law and Islamic Law"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Arezoo Rangchian
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 50, No 1, pp.159-179, 2018
  56. "The right to happiness: In compensation for the natural rights of the devotees of the defensive war"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Saman Niknejad
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 48, No 1, pp.45-64, 2018
  57. "Citizenship law"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  58. "Infallibility"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Vol. 7, No 7, 2017
  59. "Right"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Mohammad Soleymani
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  60. "Social development"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  61. "Human dignity and citizenship rights in the Holy Quran"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Ammar Amiri Arani
    shahreghanoon, Vol. 3و4, No 19, pp.13-30, 2017
  62. "Role of NGOs in Promotion of Human Rights: case study of international planned parenthood federation of HIV/AIDS Prevention"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Sfiieh Sharyari Afshar, Abbas Souri
    Iranian Journal of Medical Law, Vol. یازدهم, pp.7-29, 2017
  63. "Islamic Republic of Iran and Defying Hijab Rules"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Woman in culture and art, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.139-164, 2017
  64. "Human Rights Development in the Iranian New Code of Criminal Procedure and its Amendments With a View to International Instruments"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    revue de la Recherche Juridique, Vol. 8, No 1, 2017
  65. "Comparative Study of Islamic Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions 1949"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Amir Familzavar, Javad Famil Zavvar Jalali
    scientific of study of Islamic humanitarian law Journal, Vol. سال 5, No 11, 2016
  66. "Human Nature as a Criterion against Relativity of Human Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Mostafa Shasie Zadeh
    Low & Poletics, Vol. 52, No 52, 2016
  67. "Punishment"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Vol. 4, No 4, 2016
  68. "Public law’s considerations in the school of thomism with an emphasis on the rule of law in religious states"
    Yaser Mokarame, Mohammad Javad Javid
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 46, No 3, pp.649-678, 2016
  69. "Assessing the implementation of 154th of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran in contemporary International law"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Aqil Mohammadi
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 46, No 1, pp.71-89, 2016
  70. "Positive Discrimination in Favor of Women and their Citizenship Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Abbas Ashrafi, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. سال هفتم. زمستان 1393, pp.157-193, 2016
  71. "Theoretical aspects and objective traces and impacts of natural law in human rights instruments and judgments"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Morteza Rostami
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 45, No 3, pp.449-470, 2015
  72. "Judicial Transparency and The Media"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Low & Poletics, Vol. دوره 16، شماره 47، پاییز 1394, 2015
  73. "A Comparative Study of the Basis and the Process of Designating a Muslim Ruler in Imam Khomeini and Sinhuri’s Opinions"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Yasser Ahmadvand
    Journal of Islamic rule, Vol. 2, No 76, 2015
  74. "Hermeneutics, Substantial Motion, and Translation Process"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Contemporary Wisdom, Vol. سال ششم، شماره 16، 1394, pp.1-13, 2015
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Mehrnameh, Vol. سال پنجم، شماره 38، مهر 1393, 2014
  76. "politic participation s methods in administrating islamic government"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Ali Fattahi
    danesh---, Vol. سال دوم زمستان 1392, No 6, pp.69-89, 2014
  77. "RELATIVITY OF citizenship rights theory"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Islamic Law, Vol. دوره 11، شماره 42، پاییز 1393، صفحه 65-95, 2014
  78. "Working Women Issues: A Case Study of Women Working in Judicial Systems"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. سال پانزدهم، شماره 60، تابستان 1392 256 صفحه, 2014
  79. "Critical Theory & Occidental justice"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Sadra, Vol. سال سوم تابستان 1393, No 10, pp.45-57, 2014
  80. "Right to Interest; The Challenges of Human Rights and Citizenship Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Mostafa Shasie Zadeh
    Parliament and strategy, Vol. 21, No 77, pp.107-140, 2014
  81. "iranian Constitution & Rights and Duties of a citizen"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Mahmood Ebrahimi
    danesh---, Vol. جلد 2, 2014
  82. "theory of relativity of citizenship rieghts"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Mehrnameh, Vol. 143, 2014
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    scientific of study of Islamic humanitarian law Journal, Vol. 9, No 9, pp.9-22, 2014
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. دوره 43, 2014
  85. "The relationship of the principle of non-intervention in contemporary law and the principle of support of the oppressed in the islamic law"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Aqil Mohammadi
    journal of ligal study, Vol. 5, No 1, pp.49-88, 2013
  86. "Different interpretations of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the iranian constitution"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, عصمت شاهمرادی
    مجموعه مقالات قوه مجریه در حقوق اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران, Vol. 1, No 1, 2013
  87. "Animal and pre-clinical biocompatibility testing of dental biomaterials: case study on french laws"
    Fahimeh Sadat Tabatabaei, Mohammad Javad Javid
    medical ethics, Vol. 7, No 24, pp.139-162, 2013
  88. "Affirmative action / positive discrimination / employment equity in Islam"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Journal of Islamic rule, Vol. 67, No 67, 2013
  89. "the principle of support of the oppressed in The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Mohammad Houssein Aslzaeim
    مطالعات حقوقی دولت اسلامی, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.71-94, 2013
  90. "A Critique of Modern Copyright and the Criterion of Intellectual Property in Postmodern Age"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Mahdi Yousefi
    andishehaye hoghuq omomi, Vol. سال دوم، شماره دوم، پیاپی 4، بهار و تابستان 1392, 2013
  91. "Essence of humans rights in islamic law and in natural law"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Mostafa Shafizadeh, Mojtaba Shafizadeh
    Legal thought - Journal of Qom Tehran University campus, Vol. 1, No 3, pp.81-111, 2013
  92. "An Investigation into the Relation of Rule of Law in the Terminology of Constitution and that of the Legal System of I.R.I"
    ب اسدی, Mohammad Javad Javid, Mohamad Hossin Dori Kofrani
    researches of jurisprudence and islamic law, Vol. وره 13، شماره 36، تابستان 1392، صفحه 5-26, 2012
  93. "The relation ship beteeen natural obligations and citizenship obligations"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, محمد صادقی , مصطفی شفیع زاده خولنجانی
    Quarterly Journal of Judicial Law Views, Vol. 17, No 59, pp.83-116, 2012
  94. "The culture of islamic friendship..."
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Woman in culture and art, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.121-141, 2012
  95. "Islamic stats and the international Human Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, یاسر مکرمی
    scientific of study of Islamic humanitarian law Journal, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.53-83, 2012
  96. "wer"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 41, No 4, pp.61-81, 2012
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    حقوق و مصلحت, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.23-43, 2012
  98. "law"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, محسن نامی
    Islamic Law, Vol. 12, No 34, pp.5-28, 2011
  99. "fgh"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, فریما جمالی
    Journal of Iranian Cultural research, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.163-184, 2011
  100. "sdfgf"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, مرتضی اصغرنیا
    حقوق عمومی, Vol. 8, No 8, 2011
  101. "law"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, الهه مرندی
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 40, No 4, pp.121-137, 2011
  102. "dfggh"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    فصلنامه پژوهشی مجد, Vol. 4, No 15, 2011
  103. "law"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, علی محمددوست
    Islamic Law, Vol. 11, No 32, pp.152-121, 2010
  104. "polgami"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Woman in culture and art, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.55-75, 2010
  105. "fghj"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, محمد علی انواری
    journal of ligal study, Vol. 40, No 2, pp.65-85, 2010
  106. "tahlil"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    پژوهشنامه علوم انسانی, Vol. -, No 2, pp.107-138, 2010
  107. "تعامل عدالت و دولت در ایران باستان با تاکید بر تحقیقات تاریخی در حقوق هخامنشیان"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, فریما جمالی
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 39, No 4, pp.111-131, 2010
  108. "farhang"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    معارف اسلامی و حقوق, Vol. 4, No 32, pp.121-156, 2009
  109. "The Basics of State Intervention in the Family Institution in the Iranian legal system"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Mary Mohajery
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 11, No 82, pp.7-34, 2009
  110. "مروری بر ادبیات انتقادی در حقوق بشر"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    فصلنامه پژوهشی مجد, Vol. 1, No 7, 2009
  111. "مروری بر وضعیت علوم انسانی در ایران امروز"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Farabi, Vol. 5, No 5, 2008
  112. "bazar"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    mashreqmouood, Vol. -, No 6, pp.7-22, 2008
  113. "توسعه در دامن نظریه ها درآمدی بر فهم جایگاه جوانان در توسعه سیاسی ایران"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    -, Vol. -, 2007
  114. "chisti"
    محمد علی اردبیلی , اردشیر امیرارجمند , سید محمد قاری سید فاطمی , Mohammad Javad Javid
    the gudiciary law journal, Vol. 58, No 58, pp.24-46, 2007
  115. "هرمنوتیک پولیتیک یا اجتهاد سیاسی"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    مرکز تحقیقات دانشگاه امام صادق (ع), Vol. 1, No 1, 2007
  116. "قانون طبیعی بشر"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    حقوق اساسی, Vol. 1, pp.39-52, 2006
  117. "j"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Political knowledge, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.59-83, 2006

Conference Paper

  1. "The Theory of Relativity in Citizenship Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Citizenship Rights, 2018
  2. "Acces s to Justice in the National Courts with a View to International Instruments"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, 2013
  3. "Natural Challenges of Cultures in Support of Humanity: A Theoretical Assessment on the Basis of legal Sociology and Legal Anthropology"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
  4. "islamophobia and the right to morality in the west"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    human right and islamophobia, 2011
  5. "the Constittion of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Laws Governing the Citizen’s Rights of Minorities"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    rights of Religious Minorities, 2010
  6. "Relativity Theory of Citizen's Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The 13 th Assembly of United Nations Human Rights Council, 2010
    Mohammad Javad Javid
  8. "The philosophical-legal foundations of “Just Peace” theory"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    First International Conference of “Just Peace, Common Global Dialogue”, Otrish, 2009
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    The religious plurality in the contemporary societies, 2008
  10. "De la légiFrom legitimacy of violence to legitimate violence Question of the report of Islam and human rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
  11. "From legitimacy of violence to legitimate violence Question of the report of Islam and human rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    International Society for the Sociology of Religion, 2005
  12. "The Theory of relativity of Citizenship Laws"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    The second International legal conference: Legislative Reform: An introduction to strengthening the Rule of Law, 2022
  13. "Hannah for Heidegger, Natural rights analysis of love context"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    10th International Conference on Law and Judicial Sciences, 2022
  14. "Judicial security in Iran"
    فاضله حسیبی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    International conference on interdisciplinary studies in Management and Engineering, 2019
  15. "Sociology of Ashura Jihad"
    نازیلا اخلاقی, Mohammad Javad Javid
    New Research Achievements in Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies subject, 2018
  16. "Relativity of Citizenship Rights"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Citizenship Rights, 2017
  17. "Energy diplomacy and Iran's position in the region and the world"
    دلنیا نجفی, Mohammad Javad Javid, امید کریمی
    6th International Conference on New Approaches to Energy, 2017
  18. "islamic feminism and family law: point view of Muslim women's"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Sayedhasan Hossani, Mahboubeh S. Hosseini
    Islam and family issues, 2016
  19. "Humain Right and Imam Khomeini"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    Islamic State and Imam Khomeini, 2015
  20. "Environmental standards in oil contracts"
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Environmental standards in oil contracts, 2015
    Mohammad Javad Javid, Esmat Shahmoradi
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    The Human Sciences and Islam 2, 2014
    Mohammad Javad Javid
  24. "tanavo"
    Mohammad Javad Javid
    culu.., 2010