Bizhan Abbasi


Update: 2025-01-31

Bizhan Abbasi

Faculty of Law and Political Science / Public Law

authored books

  1. "The Law of Public property and natural resources"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Dadgostar Publications, Iran, 2023,
  2. "Solidarity Law (the third generation of human rights)"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Dadgostar Publications, Iran, 2023,
  3. "Human rights in Islam, Iran and international documents"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Dadgostar Publications, Iran, 2022,
  4. "Environmental law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Dadgostar Publications, Iran, 2022,
  5. "In pursuit of the development of public law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Name Kherad Publications, Iran, 2022,
  6. "History of the Law of the Ale Kia Government in Guilan"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Datic Publishing of Iranian Scientific Association of Administrative Law, Iran, 2022,
  7. "Legal research in the field of environment"
    Laya Jonaidi, بتول آهنی, مسعود فریادی, اصغر احمدی, Bizhan Abbasi, علی اکبر گرجی ازندریانی, مرضیه تقی زاده, فاطمه میرسلیمانی, مصطفی پاک نیت
    The Legal Vice President Publications, Iran, 2021,
  8. "Execution power: A Research on the Jurisdictions and Relations with other Powers"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Vice President for Compilation, Revision and Publication of Laws and Regulations of the Legal Vice President, Iran, 2021,
  9. "The National Convenant : The Collection of Articles on the Occasion of the commemoration Constitution Day"
    Laya Jonaidi, Bizhan Abbasi
    The Presidence Publications, Iran, 2021,
  10. "Administrative and local organizations and administrative Adjudication in England"
    امیر عسگری ده آبادی, Bizhan Abbasi
    The Amjad publication, Iran, 2021,
  11. "Encyclopedia of Legal Policy Making"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    The Deputy for compiling, revising and publishing the laws and regulations of the country, Printing and Publishing Office, Iran, 2020,
  12. "Encyclopedia of legal policy making"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Deputy for compiling, revising and publishing the laws and regulations of the country, Printing and Publishing Office, Iran, 2020,
  13. "le coronavirus et le droit a la sante"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    name kherad, Iran, 2020,
  14. "The Legal system of Iran"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Carolina Academic Press, United States Of America (USA), 2020,
  15. "Dr Hashmi"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    The Publication of the Khane Andishmandan, Iran, 2020,
  16. "Dr Herisinejad"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    The Publication of the University of Tabriz, Iran, 2020,
  17. "the constitutionnal law of the Republic islamic of Iran"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Dadgostar publications, Iran, 2018,
  18. "the position of local council in Iran"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Ali Sohrablu
    Khorsandi \publications, Iran, 2018,
  19. "Guilan nameh"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Guilakan Publications, Iran, 2017,
  20. "Droit de l`Iran"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Ali Gorji, Manuchehr Tavassoli
    LGDJ, France, 2017,
  21. "Laww the essence of social survival"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Samt Publication, Iran, 2016,
  22. "the comparative administrative law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Dadgostar publication, Iran, 2016,
  23. "The comparative constitutional law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Dadgostar publication, Iran, 2015,
  24. "Guilan name v.8"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Guilakan Publications, Iran, 2015,
  25. "the fondations of constitutional law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    jangal, Iran, 2015,
  26. "The papulare culture of the vilages of Guilan"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Guilakan Publications, Iran, 2014,
  27. "The fondments of public law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Dadgostar publications, Iran, 2014,
  28. "In research of public law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Juangle pulications, Iran, 2014,
  29. "the metode of research in law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    khorsandy publications, Iran, 2014,
  30. "the comparative study of president of the R. I. of Iran"
    Vali Rostami, Bizhan Abbasi
    khorsandi publication, Iran, 2013,
  31. "The executive power in constitutional law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    The juridic adjoint of president of islamic republic, Iran, 2013,
  32. "The thoughts of administrative law"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Mina Akbari
    Majd publications, Iran, 2013,
  33. "Melange dr Almasi"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Enteshar Publications, Iran, 2013,
  34. "حقوق بشر و آزادی های بنیادین (سه نسل حقوق بشر در اسلام ایران و اسناد بین المللی و منطقه ای)"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    انتشارات دادگستر, 2011,
  35. "law in the theorie"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Jungle publications, Iran, 2011,
  36. "The Administrative law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    The Administrative law, 2010,
  37. "humain rights"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Guerayesh |publications, Iran, 2010,
  38. "The Fondments of Constitutional Law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Jangal Publications, Iran, 2009,