Bizhan Abbasi


Update: 2025-01-31

Bizhan Abbasi

Faculty of Law and Political Science / Public Law

Journal Paper

  1. "Research for public participation to maintain rule of law and good governance"
    Mohammad Tamizkarmostaghim, Bizhan Abbasi
    Bharati Law Review, Vol. IV, No 4, 2016
  2. "The position of religion in the course of Human rights ideas from the perspective of iranian intellectuals"
    Mehdi Mokhtari , Bizhan Abbasi, Rahim Alesheikh
    Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, No 7, pp.218-225, 2012
  3. "The electoral system of the local councils of Afghanistan and Iran"
    محمدعلم عدیل, Bizhan Abbasi
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 6, No 20, pp.451-478, 2024
  4. "Redefining Foreign-Dominated Contracts Under Article 153 of the Iranian Constitution; with a Look at the Opinions of the Guardian Council"
    مرتضی قاسم آبادی, Bizhan Abbasi, وحید خانی
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 54, No 2, pp.903-884, 2024
  5. "The transformation of the legal system in Cyberspace"
    Bizhan Abbasi, زهرا محسن پور اژیه
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 52, No 1, 2024
  6. "Pathology of the decision-making system of Islamic councils in the light of the principle of transparency"
    فاطمه شمیری , Vali Rostami, Bizhan Abbasi
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 5, No 17, pp.13-36, 2024
  7. "The position of the Supreme Economic Coordination Council of the Heads of Power and its approvals In the order of constitutional law"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Navid Sheidaei ashtiani
    revue de la Recherche Juridique, Vol. 26, No 103, pp.181-206, 2023
  8. "Political Adjudication as a Monitoring Mechanism"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Abdollah Abbasi firozjah
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 53, No 3, pp.1121-1140, 2023
  9. "Legislative Flaws on Activities of political parties in the Iranian electoral system"
    محمدتقی اکبری, سیدمحمد هاشمی, Bizhan Abbasi
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 5, No 16, pp.13-39, 2023
  10. "Analysis of supervision mechanism for delegation of enterprises in order to article 44 of constitution"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Akbar Bararialisaraee
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 10, No 34, pp.88-109, 2023
  11. "The process of handling Tenders Complaints in the The Uncitralt Model Law on public Procurement (2011) and comparing it with the process defined the Iranian legal system"
    داود حسین زاده عربی, Bizhan Abbasi, حسن خسروی
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 5, No 14, pp.121-155, 2023
  12. "Restrictions on Freedom of Assembly with Emphasis on the New Act on the Activities of Political Parties"
    Bizhan Abbasi, moahamad javad shafagei
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 53, No 1, pp.163-182, 2023
  13. "The Impact of Privatization of Government Clubs and Its Role in Promoting Sports Management in Iran"
    محمد بخشی کشتلی, Bizhan Abbasi
    Iranian Political Sociology, Vol. 5, No 9, pp.1512-1491, 2022
  14. "Participation of Workers in the Management of the Workplace as a Model for Flexibility in Worker-Employer Relationship"
    جعفر براتی, Bizhan Abbasi
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 52, No 3, pp.1649-1630, 2022
  15. "Pathology of the powers the of Islamic councils from the perspective of the separation of national and local affairs"
    فاطمه شمیری, Vali Rostami, Bizhan Abbasi
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 4, No 12, pp.14-36, 2022
  16. "An Analysis of the Guardian Council's Reasons for Opposing the Provincialization of Parliamentary Elections"
    Bizhan Abbasi, سید مجتبی حسینی الموسوی
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 52, No 2, 2022
  17. "Legal and critical review of unconventional salaries and benefits of Iranian civil servants"
    Bizhan Abbasi, مرتضی سعیدی پلمی
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 9, No 31, pp.138-165, 2022
  18. "The study of the payment regims of retirement pensions in Iran and Norway"
    Elham Amiri, محمد هاشمی, Vali Rostami, Bizhan Abbasi
    Public Law Research, Vol. 23, No 73, pp.9-40, 2022
  19. "The legal nature of the Broadcasting Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    جواد تقی زاده, عباس وفایی, Bizhan Abbasi
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 9, No 28, pp.233-255, 2021
  20. "Traditional silk production in Guilan"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    مجله فرهنگی گیله وا, Vol. 30, No 168, pp.20-21, 2021
  21. "Legal Analysis and Evaluation of Guaranteeing Citizenship Rights by Filtering"
    وجیهه محسنی, سیدمحمد هاشمی, Mohammad Javad Javid, Bizhan Abbasi
    Quarterly Journal of Judicial Law Views, Vol. 26, No 94, 2021
  22. "Analysis of Health Transformation Plan and its consequences as an efficient Treatment System"
    سیدرضا حسینی, Bizhan Abbasi, احسان آقامحمدآقایی
    Islamic Lifestyle Centered on Health, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.230-242, 2021
  23. "Comparartive Study of Tendering Procedures in Iran`s Tender Law and UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement 2011"
    داود حسین زاده عربی, Bizhan Abbasi, حسن خسروی
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 3, No 7, pp.11-38, 2021
  24. "The principle of correctness in the light of Islamic political ideas and civil law (A case study of Iran)"
    آذین کیانی, Hassan Khosravi, Bizhan Abbasi
    Quarterly Journal of Political Research in Islamic World, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.19-37, 2021
  25. "Judicial Oversight of The Medical System Organization in Order to Realize the Health Rights of the People From the Perspective of Service Efficiency"
    Bizhan Abbasi, شهاب تجری
    Iranian Journal of Medical Law, Vol. 15, No 56, pp.491-504, 2021
  26. "Legal system Governing Organizations Providing Health Insurance Services"
    سیدرضا حسینی, Bizhan Abbasi, احسان آقامحمدآقایی
    Iranian Journal of Health Insurance (IJHI), Vol. 4, No 1, pp.14-29, 2021
  27. "Introducing some handicrafts of Guilan"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    مجله فرهنگی گیله وا, Vol. 29, No 165, pp.6-10, 2021
  28. "Examining the criteria of the ombudsman institution with the rules and regulations of the inspection organization of the whole country"
    جعفر براتی, Bizhan Abbasi
    danesh---, Vol. 10, No 31, 2021
  29. "Meritocracy"
    سعید قبیدیان, علی اکبر گرجی ازندریانی, Bizhan Abbasi
    Ethical Research, Vol. 11, No 2, pp.211-222, 2021
  30. "Examining the formal procedure of the Guardian Council in the compliance of government regulations with Sharia"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Syed Mojtaba Hossiny Almosavaey
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 8, No 25, pp.207-223, 2021
  31. "Investigating the Regulation Governing the Distribution and Ppricing of the Iranian System from the Perspective of the Right to Health"
    مصطفی جعفری, Mohammad Javad Rezaei Zadeh Baravati, Bizhan Abbasi
    Medicine and cultivation, Vol. 29, No 4, pp.296-310, 2021
  32. "A Fair Moral Assessment of Arbitration before Judicial Quasi-Judicial Processes in the Iranian Legal System"
    Jamshid Abbas Zadeh, Bizhan Abbasi, Vali Rostami, Ebrahim Mosazadeh
    Ethical Research, Vol. 11, No 2, 2021
  33. "Stability Clause in Foreign Investment Contracts from Administrative Law View"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Ali Sohrablu
    Public Law Research, Vol. 22, No 68, pp.111-140, 2020
  34. "Rights and duties of private owners of monuments registered in the National monuments List"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.11-38, 2020
  35. "The feodal regim in Guilan"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    مجله فرهنگی گیله وا, Vol. 29, No 162, pp.10-12, 2020
  36. "the old mills of Guilan"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    مجله فرهنگی گیله وا, Vol. 28, No 161, pp.30-31, 2020
  37. "the concept of the law in the thought of Mostasharoddole"
    Bizhan Abbasi, رضا یعقوبی
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 50, No 1, pp.39-56, 2020
  38. "Legal analysis of the guarantee of the implementation above the Parliaments' presidents' (speaker) supervision on the Cabinets' ministers' approvals and the resulting effects"
    مهناز مددکار حق جو, Bizhan Abbasi, Khirollah Parvin, سید محمد هاشمی
    revue de la Recherche Juridique, Vol. 22, No 88, pp.39-62, 2020
  39. "The Legal Aspects of Registering Monuments in the National Monuments List"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    scientific journal of modern research on administrative law, Vol. 1, No 1, 2020
  40. "ethique in cinema"
    رحیم آل شیخ, Bizhan Abbasi, علی اکبر گرجی
    Ethical Research, Vol. 9, No 4, 2019
  41. "the position of the High council for dispute resolution and the settlement of three powers in the constitutional justice"
    محمود پوررضایی فشخامی, Bizhan Abbasi
    danesh---, Vol. 8, No 24, 2019
  42. "The minorities in search of a specific human rights system ; a case study of Saudi shiites"
    Yasser Mokarrami ghartavol, Bizhan Abbasi
    Islamic Law, Vol. 16, No 60, pp.153-184, 2019
  43. "The position of public goods in the legal regime of Iran"
    Bizhan Abbasi, مسعود معصومی
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 6, No 18, pp.145-166, 2019
  44. "jurisprrudence"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Ali Sohrablu, Ehsan Shahsavari
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 48, No 3, pp.639-659, 2018
  45. "Police legal"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Ali Bayati
    journal of amin police university, Vol. 20, No 3, pp.79-103, 2018
  46. "Legal Analysis of the Right of Access to Information by Realizing Citizenship Rights with an Emphasis on the Iranian Legal System"
    Mohseniwajiheh, Seyed Mohammad Hashemi, Mohammad Javad Javid, Bizhan Abbasi
    Public Law Research, Vol. 21, No 62, 2018
  47. "the lealime"
    روح ا... ملکی, Bizhan Abbasi, سیدمحمد هاشمی, صابر نیاورانی
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, Vol. 15, No 57, 2018
  48. "The Organisation of the management of the crise"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Mohammadhoseyn Sadeghi
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 5, No 15, 2018
  49. "The rules of health in USA"
    Bizhan Abbasi, مریم حیدری
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 48, No 1, pp.105-120, 2018
  50. "public law"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Ali Sohrabloo
    دو فصلنامه علمی - تخصصی علامه, Vol. 17, No 52, pp.61-96, 2018
  51. "The administratives contracts in islam"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Syed Mojtaba Hossiny Almosavi
    fiq moqaran, Vol. 5, No 10, 2018
  52. "The fondments of Constitution in Iran, France and USA"
    Osman Salari, علی اکبر گرجی, Bizhan Abbasi
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, Vol. 18, No 2, pp.49-71, 2018
  53. "the inernationalisation of public law"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Ali Sohrabloo
    revue de la Recherche Juridique, Vol. 20, No 4, pp.187-211, 2018
  54. "the second chamber"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Morteza Hemati
    حقوق اساسی, Vol. 13, No 25, 2018
  55. "The juridic fondment of partical subvention"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Magsoud Ebadi Bashir
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 47, No 1, pp.27-50, 2017
  56. "The langue pahlavai and the langue guilaki galeshi"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    مجله فرهنگی گیله وا, Vol. سال 25, No 144, pp.34-35, 2017
  57. "The necessity in constitution, concept..."
    Bizhan Abbasi, Ali Sohrablu
    danesh---, Vol. 5, No 15, 2016
  58. "the privatizaion"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Mina Akbari
    Journal of Planning and Budget, Vol. 21, No 3, 2016
  59. "the juridic aspects ..."
    Bizhan Abbasi, Morteza Rostami
    journal of ligal study, Vol. هفتم, No 2, 2015
  60. "the influence of allocation in the realization of social rightes"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Mohammad Moghmi
    حقوق اساسی, Vol. سال یازدهم, No 23, pp.113-140, 2015
  61. "the local council"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Ali Sohrabloo
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. دوم, No 7, 2015
  62. "the civil resposability of the administration"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. سال دوم, No 5, 2014
  63. "Religious democracy..."
    Bizhan Abbasi
    حقوق اساسی, Vol. سال یازدهم, No 21, pp.67-99, 2014
  64. "The reports of Comitee..."
    Bizhan Abbasi
    motaleat .e.taghrib mazaheb.e.islami, Vol. سال نهم, No 35, 2014
  65. "The rules and conditions of administratives acts..."
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. سال یکم, No 3, 2014
  66. "The separation of powers in anceint Iran"
    Bizhan Abbasi, مصطفی جعفری
    حقوق اساسی, Vol. سال دهم, No 20, pp.115-146, 2014
  67. "the rules and the conditions of creation of unilateral administratives acts"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 42, No 2, 2013
  68. "the principle of adaptation of publics services"
    Bizhan Abbasi, Fahim Kya
    Administrative Law Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 1, No 1, 2013
  69. "The study and critic..."
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Journal of votes, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.95-102, 2013
  70. "the administrative law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    دانشنامه حقوق ایران, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.20-40, 2013
  71. "The risk of the destruction..."
    Bizhan Abbasi
    مجله فرهنگی گیله وا, Vol. 21, No 123, pp.41-42, 2012
  72. "The comparative study of conditions..."
    Bizhan Abbasi, Mostafa Jafari
    comprative law Researches, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.115-132, 2012
  73. "law"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    مجله فرهنگی گیله وا, Vol. 20, No 118, pp.10-12, 2012
  74. "A critic of the structure..."
    Bizhan Abbasi
    حقوق و مصلحت, Vol. 2, No 5, pp.63-85, 2011
  75. "The constitutional justice..."
    Bizhan Abbasi
    comprative law Researches, Vol. 1, No 2, pp.81-99, 2011
  76. "کنکاشی در منابع حقوق اساسی"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Law & Political science, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.247-260, 2010
  77. "the principle of gratution..."
    Bizhan Abbasi
    حقوق اساسی, Vol. 8, No 17, pp.1-28, 2010
  78. "نقد و بررسی نظام های انتخاباتی اکثریتی و تناسبی"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Law & Political science, Vol. 39, No 3, pp.239-257, 2009
  79. "The importants ..."
    Bizhan Abbasi
    حقوق اساسی, Vol. 11, No 11, pp.131-139, 2009
  80. "low of"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Law & Political science, Vol. 4, No 38, pp.295-281, 2009
  81. "Apply methods of direct and semi-direct democracy"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Law & Political science, Vol. 38, No 2, pp.215-235, 2008
  82. "Study of the legal characteristics"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    پژوهشنامه حقوق و علوم سیاسی, Vol. 2, No 5, pp.91-108, 2008
  83. "Methods of constitutions revision"
    Bizhan Abbasi
    Law & Political science, Vol. 37, No 4, pp.107-124, 2007