Alireza Sadra

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-02-20

Alireza Sadra

Faculty of Law and Political Science / Political Science

Journal Paper

  1. "Civil Religion in Social Contract of Rousseau"
    Alireza Sadra
    Journal of mechanics of continua and mathematical sciences., Vol. 10, No 1, 2020
  2. "The Progress Pattern (Flourih Olgou)"
    Alireza Sadra
    International Journal of Environmental and Science Education (IJESE), Vol. 2018, No 13, pp.221-227, 2018
  3. "Women in Farabi's political philosophy"
    Alireza Sadra
    hikmat-e-islami, Vol. نهم, 2023
  4. "Discourse Creation and Monitoring Realization of the Islamic-Iranian Model of Development (Executive Requirements of the Model and Political Strategies)"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent policy, Vol. 10, No 38, 2022
  5. "Modern Governmentality in Iran’s Nasserite Era: The Emergence of Population and its Management Techniques"
    Alireza Sadra, قاسم نعمتی
    politics, Vol. 51, No 4, 2022
  6. "The Challenge of Efficient Islamic State-Building In the second step of the Islamic Revolution (Why? What? How?)"
    Alireza Sadra
    pajouhesh haye enghelab eslami, Vol. 10, No 4, 2021
  7. "Virtual government in the Islamic Republic of Iran and promoting legitimacy and political efficiency"
    محمد سجاد شیرودی, Alireza Sadra, Hamidreza Malek Mohammadi, Seyed Reza Mousavi
    pajouhesh haye enghelab eslami, Vol. 10, No 3, pp.36-53, 2021
  8. "Governance"
    Alireza Sadra
    Sadra, Vol. نهم, No 34, pp.177-187, 2020
  9. "The Discourse of Transcendental Civil Wisdom Why, What and How"
    Alireza Sadra
    hikmat-e-islami, Vol. 7, No 2, 2020
  10. "Globalism, cyberspace and soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    محمد سجاد شیرودی, Alireza Sadra
    quarterly Journal of South - West Asian Studies, Vol. 2, No 7, 2019
  11. "The revolutionary efficiency of the Islamic-Iranian model of progress"
    Alireza Sadra
    Islamic politics research, Vol. 7, No 15, pp.123-156, 2019
  12. "National Security Approach to the Iranian Islamic Pattern of Civil Progress"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent policy, Vol. 7, No 24, pp.241-262, 2019
  13. "The Developments of Political Language in Iran from Constitutionalism to Islamic Revolution"
    Alireza Sadra, مریم طاهری
    pajouhesh haye enghelab eslami, Vol. 6, No 23, 2018
  14. "the scope of allameh tabatabai`s political and transcendent philosophy and pure social wisdom"
    Alireza Sadra
    Two quarterly political studies, Vol. 9, No 17, 2017
  15. "Political Horizons and Strategies of the Supreme Development Pattern of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent policy, Vol. 5, No 16, 2017
  16. "Hikmi Epistemology and Scientific-Political Capacity of Pure and Social Supreme Hikmah of Allameh Tabataba’i"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent policy, Vol. 4, No 15, 2017
  17. "Theoretical approach to the Islamic Revolution: study about the Islamic Revolution law, political thought"
    Alireza Sadra, [] []
    politics, Vol. 46, No 3, 2016
  18. "Cultural requirements of the international power elite Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Alireza Sadra
    Scientific Quarterly Journal of Soft Power Studies, Vol. 6, No 14, pp.152-164, 2016
  19. "Strategies of political ethics in Islam"
    حامد مشکوری, Alireza Sadra
    A Scientific – Research-Based Quarterly Political Science-Bagher al-Olum University, Vol. 19, No 74, 2016
  20. "Geometry of Supreme Power; The Philosophical and Political View towards Supreme Defense"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent policy, Vol. 3, No 11, 2015
  21. "Waves of awakening and uprising of the Islamic Revolution"
    Alireza Sadra
    مطالعات بیداری اسلامی, Vol. 4, No 8, pp.9-28, 2015
  22. "indicators of the new thought"
    Alireza Sadra, Seyed Mohammad Reza Mahmoudpanahi
    politics, Vol. 45, No 2, 2015
  23. "theosophy of the civil thosophy"
    Alireza Sadra
    hikmat-e-islami, Vol. اول, No 3, 2014
  24. "the capacity of supreme political hikmah ; the pure hikmah of allameh tabataba'i methodology"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent policy, Vol. سال دوم, No 7, 2014
  25. "the capacity of supreme political hikmah ; the pure hikmah of allameh tabataba'i"
    Alireza Sadra
    Islamic Revolution Studies, Vol. سال یازدهم, No 39, 2014
  26. "sublime politics and political sublimity: best substitute for secular politics"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent policy, Vol. 2, No 4, 2014
  27. "Analysis of socio-political developments in the Arab countries of the Middle East and North Africa from the perspective of constructivist theory"
    نورالدین اکبری کریم آبادی, Alireza Sadra
    مطالعات بیداری اسلامی, Vol. 2, No 4, 2013
  28. "roso"
    Alireza Sadra
    politics, Vol. 43, No 3, 2013
  29. "Investigating the Impact of Plato's Political Philosophy on Farabi's Civil Wisdom"
    Alireza Sadra
    History of Philoshopy, Vol. 4, No 8, pp.71-100, 2012
  30. "syasat khareji"
    Alireza Sadra
    Journal of Political Strategy, Vol. بیستم, No 78, 2012
  31. "Transcendent politics is the best alternative to secular politics / An overview of the relationship between Christianity and politics and the rise of secularism"
    Alireza Sadra
    ماهنامه فرهنگی تحلیلی سوره اندیشه, Vol. 3, pp.101-105, 2011
  32. "The West of Media and the Semantic Structure of Expectation in International Speech Relations in the Obstacles and Damages of Grounding in the Field of Media"
    Alireza Sadra, امین پرتو
    mashreqmouood, Vol. 4, No 16, pp.81-90, 2011
  33. "The relationship between justice and progress in the Islamic state"
    Alireza Sadra
    Two quarterly political studies, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.83-100, 2010
  34. "The concept of East and West in Fardid's thought"
    Alireza Sadra, محمد محسن شارعی
    Law & Political science, Vol. 40, No 2, pp.135-150, 2010
  35. "Romanticism movement and romantic politics"
    Alireza Sadra
    Political International Researches, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.1-19, 2010
  36. "akhlagh"
    Alireza Sadra
    رسول آفتاب, Vol. 21, No 21, 2010
  37. "sd1"
    Alireza Sadra
    طریقه جاوید, Vol. 2, No 2, 2010
  38. "بررسی کارآمدی حکومت از دیدگاه امام خمینی ( ره )"
    Alireza Sadra, مسلم کرم زادی , Ali Torabiyan, ع قدیم خانی , Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi, م شکوهی , م صفایی
    HEKMAT, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.120-136, 2010
  39. "گفتارهای سیاسی جهان فرهنگی جدید ایران"
    Alireza Sadra, محمد پزشکی
    politics, Vol. 39, No 11, pp.267-290, 2009
  40. "سیر مهدویت ، سیاست متعالی"
    Alireza Sadra
    mashreqmouood, Vol. 3, No 10, pp.136-150, 2009
  41. "world"
    Alireza Sadra
    politics, Vol. -, No 5, pp.103-130, 2008
  42. "ظرفیت های اندیشه دولت کریمه مهدوی"
    Alireza Sadra
    گفتمان, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.65-101, 2006
  43. "مهندسی گذار نسلی"
    Alireza Sadra
    مناسبات نسلی, Vol. -, No 1, 2005
  44. "چالش و چشم اندازعلم سیاست متعالی"
    Alireza Sadra
    Journal of Sport Biosciences, Vol. -, No 30, pp.64-39, 2005
  45. "عدالت مهدوی و فلسفه تاریخ"
    Alireza Sadra
    Awaiting the Promised, Vol. -, No 13, 2004
  46. "ولایت فقیه در حکومت سیاسی"
    Alireza Sadra
    political science, Vol. -, No 25, 2004
  47. "تعامل اخلاق و سیاست"
    Alireza Sadra
    political science, Vol. -, No 26, 2004
  48. "az"
    Alireza Sadra
    Journal of Sport Biosciences, Vol. 6, No 24, pp.7-37, 2004
  49. "arkan"
    Alireza Sadra
    political science, Vol. -, No 8, pp.18-48, 2000
  50. "فرایند گرایش فلسفه سیاسی در ایران و اسلام"
    Alireza Sadra
    Law & Political science, Vol. 67, No 67, pp.77-108, 1732

Conference Paper

  1. "The wisdom of the transcendent government (focused on the government of the transcendent wisdom)"
    Alireza Sadra
    Conference "Wisdom, Government, Province", 2022
  2. "Iranian Islamic model of progress policy; Commencement of implementation and division of national political work"
    Alireza Sadra
    11th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference; The Iranian Islamic Model of Progress The beginning of the 11th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference; Iranian Islamic model, progress, beginning of implementation and division of national work, 2022
  3. "Iranian Islamic model of progress (what, why and how)"
    Alireza Sadra
    Islamic Revolution, efficiency, opportunities and challenges, 2021
  4. "The pattern of the transcendent civil human relationship in the living world"
    Alireza Sadra
    Twenty-fifth conference of Hakim Mulla Sadra, 2021
  5. "Discourse-building and monitoring the realization of the Islamic-Iranian model of progress"
    Alireza Sadra
    10th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference Iranian Islamic Model of Progress; Explanation and requirements of reward, 2021
  6. "Political contexts, realization and political guarantees of the Iranian Islamic model of progress"
    Alireza Sadra
    9th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference; Iranian Islamic model of progress: grounds for realization and guarantees of implementation, 2020
  7. "Political science and technology; Efficient strategic governance model"
    Alireza Sadra
    Fifth International Congress of Islamic Humanities, 2019
  8. "Efficient government from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai"
    Alireza Sadra
    Scientific memoir of Allameh Tabatabai, fifth book, 2019
  9. "The drivers, challenges and political requirements for the realization of the Iranian Islamic model of progress"
    Alireza Sadra
    The eighth conference of the Iranian Islamic model progressed; Pattern of progress; The drivers, challenges and requirements of fulfillment, 2019
  10. "Revolutionary efficiency of the Iranian Islamic model of progress"
    Alireza Sadra
    National Conference on the Islamic Revolution, Efficiency, Opportunities and Challenges, 2019
  11. "Wisdom and politics in Allameh Tabatabai's thought"
    Alireza Sadra
    Allameh Tabatabai Theological Notebook, Fourth Office, 2018
  12. "Strategic structure, improving the efficiency of the system and the government of the Islamic Republic"
    Alireza Sadra
    Islamic Revolution, efficiency, opportunities and challenges, 2018
  13. "National security approach in the Iranian Islamic model of civil progress"
    Alireza Sadra
    7th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference; Progress from the basic model to the Iranian Islamic model, 2018
  14. "Horizons and measures of the basic model in the field of politics and governance Completion, promotion and deepening of draft documents"
    Alireza Sadra
    Sixth Conference on the Iranian Islamic Model of Progress - Deepening and completing the basic model of progress, 2017
  15. "Horizons and measures of the basic model in the field of politics and governance. Completion, upgrading and deepening of draft documents."
    Alireza Sadra
    Sixth Islamic Model Islamic Conference olgou (deepening and completing the basic model of olgou), 2017
  16. "The role of the excellence of religion in ethics, peace, amnesty and friendship (national - international)"
    Alireza Sadra
    International Conference on the Role of Religions in Ethics, Peace, Amnesty & Friendship, 2017
  17. "Information in the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Imam Khomeini (RA)"
    Alireza Sadra
    National Conference and People, 2016
  18. "ofough v atadabir siyasi tousee"
    Alireza Sadra
    olgou 5, 2016
  19. "Horizons and political measures of the transcendent development model of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Alireza Sadra
    Fifth Conference on the Iranian Islamic Model of Progress, 2016
  20. "Capacity measurement of transcendent wisdom in modern Islamic civilization"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent Politics from the Perspective of Transcendent Wisdom Book IV, 2015
  21. "jonbesh madani"
    Alireza Sadra
    4cp, 2015
  22. "maktab etalaati"
    Alireza Sadra
    etalaat, 2014
  23. "olgou siyasat motaali"
    Alireza Sadra
    olgou 3, 2014
  24. "olgou siyasat motaali1"
    Alireza Sadra
    olgou3, 2014
  25. "olgou motali"
    Alireza Sadra
    vakavi mafahim, 2014
  26. "The evolution of the geometry of world power, the transition from religious power to the transcendent power"
    Alireza Sadra
    The role of the Islamic world in the geometry of the world, 2014
  27. "sonat"
    Alireza Sadra
    cheshm, 2013
  28. "mohandesy"
    Alireza Sadra
    andishe, 2012
  29. "The engineering of sublime political freedom in the view, theory and system of the Islamic Republic in the perspective of the sublime development of the future and in the challenge of improving the efficiency of the future."
    Alireza Sadra
    The fourth meeting of strategic ideas of freedom, 2012
  30. "seir taali"
    Alireza Sadra
    siyasat motaali, 2012
  31. "The Transcendence of Transcendent Political Wisdom Scientific and Practical Perspectives and Challenges"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent politics from the perspective of transcendent wisdom, 2012
  32. "porseman"
    Alireza Sadra
    siyasat motaali2, 2012
  33. "The perspective of transcendent political philosophy"
    Alireza Sadra
    Transcendent politics from the perspective of wisdom, 2012
  34. "cheshm andaz"
    Alireza Sadra
    siyasat motaali1, 2012
  35. "Message and message of Mahdavi's political civic wisdom and transcendent world politics"
    Alireza Sadra
    International Conference on the Doctrine of Mahdism, 2011
  36. "The West of Media and the Semantic Structure of Expectation in Spoken International Relations on the Obstacles and Damages of Underlying Media"
    Alireza Sadra, Parto Amin
    Seventh International Conference on the Doctrine of Mahdism, 2011
  37. "naghsh"
    Alireza Sadra
    rohaniat, 2011