Mohsen Esmaeili

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-14

Mohsen Esmaeili

Faculty of Law and Political Science / Private and Islamic Law

Journal Paper

  1. "Flaws in the Short Stay Ritual in Two Sites with Emphasis on Imam Khomeini’s Approach and Its Comparison with Sunni Schools"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محمد قدرتی
    Matin, Vol. 26, No 103, pp.1-28, 2024
  2. "Legal analysis of the Supreme Court Decision as a Unified Judicial Precedent No. 810 regarding the effect of contract termination on previous contracts"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Amirabbas Askari
    Excellence of rights, Vol. 10, No 1, 2024
  3. "The components of human dignity in the thought of Allamah Tabatabaei"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محمد مهدی سیفی
    رسال الثقلین, Vol. 21, No 82, pp.194-221, 2024
  4. "Evaluation of Women's Financial Rights in the Islamic Family Law: The Comparative Study in Iran, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia's Law"
    حسین موحدیان, Mohsen Esmaeili, محمد روشن
    legal Civilization, Vol. 6, No 15, pp.21-52, 2023
  5. "Understanding the Conceptof Habs and the Feasibility of its Recognition as a Nominate Contract in Iranian Law"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Mohammad Moeen Shahini
    Quarterly, Vol. 28, No 101, pp.1-26, 2023
  6. "Limiting Election Campaign Spending; Basis and Challenges"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Seyyed Ahmad Habibnezhad, Ali reza Zare shahne
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 53, No 1, 2023
  7. "Examining the necessity of amending the provisions related to permissible property in the civil law based on the evolution of the theory of private property in Iranian and French law and Imami jurisprudence"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Abolfazl Ghaviolbonie
    the gudiciary law journal, Vol. 86, No 120, pp.181-201, 2023
  8. "The Correction of a Void Contract in Jurisprudence and Law of Iran"
    مهدی نریمانپور, محمد بهرامی خوشکار, Mohsen Esmaeili
    Journal of Private Law, Vol. 11, No 40, pp.167-197, 2022
  9. "Scrutiny of The article 567 of Iranian Islamic Penal code with comparative looking to The English legal system"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محمد نصیری
    Quarterly, Vol. 27, No 99, pp.101-126, 2022
  10. "Right to Know as the Fundamental Right of the Audience"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    Communication research, Vol. 29, No 111, pp.11-27, 2022
  11. "Civil liability of government in damages caused by covid-19 to citizens in Iranian legal system"
    علی ولی پور, احسان مرصوصی, Mohsen Esmaeili
    human rights, Vol. 6, No 2, pp.135-158, 2022
  12. "Criticism thoery of "deviation from contract termination" in jurisprudence and law"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, mahdi narimanpour
    Islamic Law, Vol. 18, No 71, pp.55-78, 2022
  13. "Media model of NAJA favorable presence in social networks"
    علی محمد فاطمی یگانه, Mohammad Reza Saeid Abadi, اکبر نصراللهی کاسمانی, Mohsen Esmaeili
    Naja Strategic Studies Resarch Journal, Vol. 6, No 22, 2022
  14. "Permission to refuse the debtor from fulfilling the obligation until a positive reason is provided for it"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Mohammad Nasiri
    The "Quarterly of Legal Encyclopedias", Vol. 4, No 12, pp.17-46, 2021
  15. "termination in British law and international instruments and its feasibility in Iranian law"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محمدمهدی حیدری
    Quarterly Journal of Judicial Law Views, Vol. 26, No 94, 2021
  16. "Is the Morality of Judicial Reasoning Process Possible"
    محمد ملکی, Mohsen Esmaeili
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 51, No 2, pp.183-202, 2021
  17. "The position of civil rights in the political style of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei Focusing on three components; The right to freedom of opinion and expression, the right to participate in the determination of destiny, and the right to party and form"
    حسین رمضانی پور, Mohsen Esmaeili
    Iranian Political Sociology, Vol. 3, No 4, 2021
    Mohsen Esmaeili, EBRAHIM TAGHIZADEH, Hossein Heydari Monavvar
    Private Law Studies Review, Vol. 50, No 2, 2020
  19. "The Patterns of Trust Contracts, Limitative or None-Limitative? A New Interpretation and Analysis of Article 631 of Iran’s Civil Code"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    the gudiciary law journal, Vol. 84, No 110, 2020
  20. "Citizens’ right to security: The difference between its nature and effects"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    Naja Strategic Studies Resarch Journal, Vol. 5, No 15, 2020
  21. "Challenges of citizenship rights in inspecting and inspecting places"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Ali mohammad Ahmadvand, Akbar Varvaee, مسعود مرشدی
    Journal of Geography Law, Vol. 7, No 28, 2020
  22. "A Critical Analysis of the Arguments for the Idea of Setting a Time limit (Tawqit) for the Authority of the Muslim Jurisprudent"
    Valiyallah Hirnejad, Mohsen Esmaeili
    Journal of Islamic rule, Vol. 24, No 3, 2019
  23. "Exploitation of Private Persons of the Property Situated beyond the National Jurisdiction of States and the Related Mechanisms"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, aliasghar rahimi
    International Law Journal, Vol. 35, No 59, pp.119-142, 2019
  24. "The Components of Human Dignity in the Thought of Allameh Tabatabai"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Mohammad Mehdi Seifi
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 48, No 4, 2019
  25. "General Security & Order in Islam with Emphasis on Islamic Jurisprudence Penal Policies"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    Naja Strategic Studies Resarch Journal, Vol. 3, No 9, pp.42-62, 2018
  26. "The Strategies for the prevention of outbreak crimes against moral security in Iran"
    Gholamreza Fadayi shahri, Mohsen Esmaeili
    National Security, Vol. 8, No 28, 2018
  27. "The Principle of Autonomy in Law of the West and Islam Its Foundations, Consequences and Historical Background"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    Quarterly journal of comparative studies on Islamic and western law, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.3-26, 2018
  28. "The right to security and its universality"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    feqhe a houkoumati, Vol. 3, No 5, 2018
  29. "the Properties Outside of Sovereignty of States in respect of Implementation of Imamieh Jurisprudence Regulations"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, aliasghar rahimi
    Islamic Law, Vol. 15, No 57, pp.7-40, 2018
  30. "Solving The Major Challenges in Trade Secret Litigations by Eliminating the Controversy of the implementation of two rights: "Fair Litigation" and "Preserving Confidentiality of Information""
    Mohsen Esmaeili, ebrahim taghizadeh, Hossein Heydari Monavvar
    Journal of Islamic jurisprudence (Journal of Literature and Human Sciences Emeritus, University of Tabriz), Vol. 9, No 16, pp.1-29, 2018
  31. "Moral competence father and its effects in natural guardian"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    Islamic Law, Vol. 14, No 55, pp.7-26, 2018
  32. "Trustee’s claim acceptance in jurisprudence and civil procedural law"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Mohammad Nasiri
    Quarterly Journal of Judicial Law Views, Vol. 22, 2017
  33. "Government"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محمد علی الفت پور
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  34. "Research and investigation"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محمد علی الفت پور
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  35. "electoral system"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محمد علی الفت پور
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  36. "Jeziya"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محمدمهدی غمامی
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  37. "religious democracy"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محمد علی الفت پور
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  38. "Al Faragh area"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  39. "Primary, secondary and government rulings"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محسن نامی
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  40. "A Study of the Right to Rescind the Contract in Case of Loss Resulting from Deceit and Its Relation with the Principle of No Harm, with Emphasis on Imam Khomeini’s Viewpoints"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Somayyeh Molavi
    Matin, Vol. 19, No 75, 2017
  41. "Content policies of making drama; focusing on Islamic Family"
    محمدرضا تقوی , Mohsen Esmaeili, سیاوش صلواتیان
    Woman in culture and art, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.1-25, 2017
  42. "Necessity of fulfilling election promises by candidates and fight against empty election promises and their Jurisprudential principles"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Seyyed Ahmad Habibnezhad
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 47, No 1, pp.135-150, 2017
  43. "The Standard Comprehensive Family Model in Islamic Ideology"
    Mohammadreza Taghavipoor, Mohsen Esmaeili, Siavash Salavatian
    the women & families cultural educational quarterly, Vol. 11, No 38, 2017
  44. "The Effects of the Acceptance of Kholov Denial Rule on Iran’s Legislation System"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Sayed Mohamad Hosein Mirlohi
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, Vol. 17, No 44, pp.75-97, 2017
  45. "Definition essence and model in Legal concepts"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Ali Mohajerani
    Journal of Islamic jurisprudence, Vol. 17, No 43, pp.27-49, 2016
  46. "Analysis of the nature and the legal system of the State Commitments in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Hosein Amini Pajoh
    danesh---, Vol. 5, No 14, 2016
  47. "The Nature and Problems of Cyberspace Filtering according to Islamic Jurisprudence"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Mohammad Sadeg Nasrollahi
    bi quartery scientific journal of religion and communication, Vol. 23, No 49, 2016
  48. "The distinctions and similarities of democracy and its elements with the system of Velayat-e-Faqih based on theories of election (Ayatollah Montazeri) and selection (Ayatollah Mesbahyazdi"
    Eiman Mokhtari, Mohsen Esmaeili
    Quarterly Journal of Public Law Studies, Vol. 46, No 2, 2016
  49. "The Semantics of Some of the Islamic Norms in the Constitution Based on the Concept of “Islamic Criteria”"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Hosein Amini Pajoh
    danesh---, Vol. 4, No 11, 2016
  50. "The right to compel and Right to terminate In effect of Breach of condition"
    Jaafar Asghari, Mohsen Esmaeili
    journal of Civil Law Knowledge, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.35-43, 2016
  51. "An Islamic family: Family Characteristics in the Noble Book of Mafatih-Alhayat (i.e. Keys of Life)"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Siavash Salavatian, Mohammadreza Taghavipoor
    فرهنگ مردم ایران, Vol. 42, No 42, pp.101-120, 2015
  52. "Press Law: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Need"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    Media Studies, Vol. 26, No 100, 2015
  53. "The strategic model of National security on the"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Hamid Balaei
    Facebook Security, Vol. 8, No 27, pp.5-24, 2015
  54. "7- Family Tkaful in Attorney Model from the Views of Shia and Sunni Jurisprudence and Iran law"
    Mohammad Keykha Farzaneh, Mohsen Esmaeili, Mohammad Mahdi Asghari
    Jurisprudence and the Fundaments of Islamic Law, Vol. 48, No 1, pp.123-152, 2015
  55. "4- The concept analysis of the term ruler in the article 4 of the constitution of the Islamic republic of uran"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Reza Rashidi
    Journal of Islamic rule, Vol. 20, No 75, pp.155-173, 2015
  56. "An analysis of the US national security law components: effects and results"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Mehdi Sheidaei
    Facebook Security, Vol. 7, No 24, pp.209-222, 2014
  57. "reflections on the theory of manteghah ailferagh in the view of martyr sadr and its citiques and defects"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Mohammadreza Asghari, Reza Rashidi
    danesh---, Vol. 3, No 8, 2014
  58. "a study of legislative system in the islamic republic of iran on the political juristication"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Milad Ghotbi
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, Vol. 14, No 38, 2014
  59. "manteghat-al-faragh as a teory of legislation"
    Hosein Amini Pajoh, Mohsen Esmaeili
    danesh---, Vol. 2, No 5, 2014
  60. "The Nature and Function of Leadership Commands"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, محسن نامی
    مطالعات حقوقی دولت اسلامی, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.39-78, 2013
  61. "strategic patern for building national security"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Hamid Balaei
    strategic research in ploitics, Vol. دوم, No 5, pp.43-75, 2013
  62. "the principles of freedom of information and communication in islamic law"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    Media Studies, Vol. 24, No 90, 2013
  63. "An Introduction to the role of Iran’s Islamic Parliament in the proper execution of the general policies"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Mostafa Mansoorian
    danesh---, Vol. 2, No 1, 2013
  64. "normative system of information in jafary school of thought"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Abdollah Jalaly
    Media Studies, Vol. 23, No 4, pp.69-95, 2012
  65. "Meaning and Function of Religion in the Sphere of Public Law"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Sayyed Mohammad Mahdi Ghamami
    مطالعات حقوقی دولت اسلامی, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.147-167, 2012
  66. "Main Term in Imami Jurisprudence and Iranian Law"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Omid Tavakolyikia
    Islamic Law, Vol. 9, No 32, pp.7-35, 2012
  67. "Relation of the General Policies of the System with the Privileged Commandments of the Islamic Ruler in the Constitution of Iran"
    Mohsen Esmaeili, Hadi Tahan Nazif
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, Vol. 13, No 25, pp.73-95, 2012
  68. "The Religious Democracy and Sustainable Security; Foundations and Legal Strategies"
    Mohsen Esmaeili
    Facebook Security, Vol. 5, No 35, pp.73-95, 2012