Center for Energy Law Studies





In the present era, energy and its diverse resources play a key role in the economic development and political authority of countries, as well as their international interactions

The legal system governing various energy resources faces many inadequacies and challenges, and different countries, whether energy producers or consumers, have been affected by the negative consequences of these challenges

At Iranian universities and research centers, the legal approach to the energy category has been less intended in comparison with its technical, economic and political considerations

Considering the necessity of drafting legal rules in this field regarding production, extraction, processing and export, and the lack of comprehensive scientific research related to the law of different and emerging energy resources, as well as the necessity of training qualified and efficient human resources at the international level, "the Institute for Energy Law Studies of Tehran University" started its activities since 2009 by holding "the First National Conference on Energy Law"

The statute of this institution was approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology pursuant to the decree No. 15/173064 dated 31/10/2016



The Institute for Energy Law Studies of Tehran University as a specialized institute for energy law in the country will be the national focal point and scientific central authority for international law on energy, investment and technology transfer law, law of treaties and contracts, the settlement of internal and international disputes, relations with international organizations, social responsibility and environmental issues, on the horizon 2025.



  • Promoting and enriching scientific literature and expanding the boundaries of knowledge of the law of various resources of energy
  • Establishing a national and regional scientific and intellectual authority for legal theorizing, drafting and introducing of laws, regulations, principles, rules and legal principles of the various fields of energy
  • Providing academic and scientific backing for legal interactions by interpreting and applying national and international laws related to energy.
  • Strengthening and developing cooperation with national and international research centers on energy law
  • Playing the role of an effective and strategic specialized legal instrument for organizations responsible for energy in the fields of water, electricity, oil, gas and new energies
  • Strengthening and developing scientific and applied cooperation between executive organs and the private sector with the University in the field of energy law
  • Training human resources with legal expertise in the field of energy law by holding short-term training courses
  • Taking scientific and practical actions to amend, expurgate and compile regulations related to energy
  • Designing and implementing research projects in the field of energy law
  • Developing group and network cooperation with experts active in the field of energy law inside and outside the country



  • Conducting basic, strategic, applied and development research at the national and international levels, taking into account the needs of the country in the field of energy law.
  • Conducting research for the pathology of the internal and international legal interactions in the field of energy
  • Cooperating with reputable educational and research centers inside and outside the country on energy law
  • Publishing scientific and specialized findings on the law of various resources of energy
  • Providing specialized advisory services on the law of various resources of energy including water, electricity, oil, gas and new energies
  • Cooperating with Ministries of Science, Research and Technology, Oil, and Power, as well as the Atomic Energy Organization, Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, Department of Environment and other organizations and scientific centers active in the field of hydrocarbon, new and renewable energies
  • Developing short-term interdisciplinary and extradisciplinary specialized training courses related to energy law, taking into account the needs of the country based on global scientific advances
  • Developing and introducing advanced specialized courses on energy law, taking into account the needs of the country
  • Establishing a network consisting of active professionals on energy law both inside and outside the country
  • Providing a database of scientific products inside and outside the country in the field of energy law
  • Holding national and international specialized conferences, seminars and workshops in order to transfer and enhance the applied knowledge of energy law



  • Holding the first national conference on energy law
  • Holding the second national conference on energy law
  • Holding a seminar on the legal challenges of joint oil and gas fields
  • Holding the national conference on water law, opportunities and solutions
  • Holding a meeting on the correct legal strategies of management of international and border water resources of the country
  • Participating in specialized exhibitions related to oil, gas and new energies
  • Introducing the oil and gas law discipline at the University of Tehran by obtaining the permission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
  • Signing MOUs with various ministries and research centers
  • Regularly publishing a scientific research journal (quarterly) on "Energy Law Studies"
  • Holding a meeting on the settlement of oil industry disputes